Today: Feb 17, 2025

Roommate 101!

Learn how to be a good roommate with these easy steps!

Melanie Sabol – Copy Editor

        Moving onto campus and getting your first taste of freedom is exciting for any incoming freshman. No more curfews or parents to listen to, and you can eat whatever you want whenever you want. But first, you have to overcome that first hurdle: living with a complete stranger.

        Whether you share a room at home with a sibling or you had a room of your own, you now have to share a smaller space with one or two other people. That is no easy task.

Learn how to be a good roommate with these easy steps!
Learn how to be a good roommate with these easy steps!

        Here are some tips that I wish I had as a freshman with new roommates:

        Don’t judge based off of Facebook. Facebook can be a very deceiving tool to help you find out the type of person you are living with. We all put pictures of ourselves out there of how we want others to view ourselves. Yet, rarely it is how we truly are. Give your new roommate a chance. Meet them and get to know them before you write them off for the pictures and information that they have on their Facebook.

        Be clear from the start. If you’re a neat freak, an alarm snoozer (I know I am), or someone who comes and goes as they please, let your roommate know. Being clear from the start will allow both you and your roommate to work out a system that will work for the both of you. They probably will not know all of those little things that make you mad, so be up front.

        Sharing the space. While you may like to leave your shoes thrown all around the room, your roommate may not. The space that you are sharing with your roommate is small enough already, there is no need to make it any smaller with a mess from either roommate. Clean up your mess and don’t let garbage pile up. Don’t leave it for your roommate to come home and find – or even worse, expect them to clean it up.

        Compromise. If you are used to having a room to yourself at home, as I am, coming into a room and sharing for the first time can be a bit of a struggle. Give and take with your roommates. But, compromise does not mean that you have to give up on things you want. Work out a system from the start that will get you through the year.

Guests. While you may be a night owl and enjoy having friends over to hang out until two in the morning, your roommate may not like that. Be respectful of your roommate. Asking to have the room to yourself for an hour or two a couple days a week is fine, just make sure you’re not exiling your roommate to the common room everyday.

        Respect your roommate’s stuff. It’s easier said than done. Many roommates will have problems with this. Yes, sharing is great – just make sure that you ask first. If it’s food in the fridge, clothes or sports equipment always ask before you do anything with their things. For me, I have no problem sharing – just ask me first.

        Remember to lock the door. While you don’t have to lock your bedroom door at home, remember that everything you own is in your dorm room. That means to always check and make sure your door is locked when you are leaving the room empty and when you are in for the night. It is very easy to walk down the hall to take a shower and come back and have a laptop stolen. I’ve seen it happen before, so be careful.

        Try new things. New Haven has so much to offer incoming freshmen. There is shopping, restaurants and West Rock, to name a few. Don’t be afraid to go out with your roommate and step out of your comfort zones. Now is the time in your life that you find out what you do and do not like, so why not take your roommate along?

        Be open to change. Since this is the first time out on your own for both you and your roommate, a lot will change in your first semester. Both of you will learn and grow throughout this time. Be open to new ideas and experiences that will come your way. Enjoy everything that college has to offer you.

Above everything, enjoy your first year on campus with your new roommates and friends. Embrace everything Southern and New Haven has to give you. Good luck!

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