Jay’Mi Vazquez- Managing Editor
“Governor Lamont – Fund our dreams,” was one of the many signs held up by students and faculty in support of Connecticut State Universities, CSUs, UConn and Connecticut community colleges.
On Feb. 20, a press conference was held at the capital in Hartford. Connecticut citizens gathered to show their support for higher education after the results of Governor Ned Lamont’s state of the state address.
This press conference was fueled by how impactful Governor Lamont’s address was on those involved in Connecticut’s higher education system.
Vice President of the Connecticut State University American Association of University Professors, CSU-AAUP and English Chairperson at Southern Cynthia Stretch explained some of the impacts that angered students and faculty.

“For the last several years, Southern has been “non-renewing” part-time faculty and staff who have been teaching hundreds of sections of courses across the campus,” Stretch said.
A common theme mentioned during the press conference was how overworked and understaffed higher education has become.
“Students often show up at department offices where there is no one to answer their questions or direct them to the resources they need. All of this has been going on for years,” Stretch said.
When the press conference was started by professor at Capitol Community College and President of four community colleges, 4Cs, Union, Seth Freeman, students and faculty members began to plead their case on what higher education needs.
To gain media attention, speakers went up to the podium and shared their thoughts about the budget and what higher education needs now.
As people in attendance booed Governor Lamont, students and faculty said how the budget cuts impacted their universities.
Christopher Trombly, Professor of Educational Leadership and Council Member of CSU-AAUP, was one of the representatives who spoke during the press conference on behalf of the university.
Trombly said that we need more support for students who have been shortchanged by our wealthy state for a long time.
“Why have they been shortchanged?” Trombly said. “Not because of the lack of resources, and certainly not because they are unworthy of the resources that we fight for them to proceed, but because the small number of immensely wealthy people in this state have for too long had outsized influence in this building.”
Trombly said those gathered were there because they understand economics better than Office of Policy and Management Secretary Jeffrey Beckham and Governor Lamont.
“People would need fewer second chances if we gave them more first chances. We genuinely care for our students,” Trombly said.