Lexi White- General Reporter
Being a student can be tricky. Throughout the day, you may have back-to-back classes, spend time studying or doing homework in between classes and are possibly unable to run to Adanti Student Center or Connecticut Hall to grab a bite to eat.
That is why the ProCon Daytime Commitee came up with “PB & J Thursdays!” Every Thursday from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., ProCon sets up a table in the C-Wing of Engleman Hall and gives out peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, all sorts of snacks, treats and drinks to students.
Nursing major Saana Mohammed, a sophomore, is a part of the ProCon Daytime Committee. Her role is to plan the events on campus during the day, which are mostly directed towards commuters, so they can have another place to go during their free time on campus. Although, all students are welcome to attend!
“What we want to do is advocate for students to get free food on campus, especially when they maybe haven’t eaten all day or haven’t had a chance to,” Mohammed said.

In addition, Mohammed helps the other ProCon committees budget their time and money to create the best events and activities for the students on campus.
ProCon has also been helping students with free lunches and snacks since before the COVID outbreak.
“We like to greet people and get to know them, so they feel like they’re in a loving and comfortable space,” Mohammed said. “We want to be there for each other.”
For sports management major Luis Reyes, a sophomore, ProCon’s PB & J event brings him that comfortable space.
“I have long gaps in between my classes, so this kind of helped me survive throughout the day,” Reyes said. “It’s so great because it gives you free snacks. What’s better than that?”
ProCon orders the food from a local supermarket, brings it to the C-Wing of Engleman Hall, and then the committee members start distributing all the yummy goodies.
“We have everyone who attends the event sign in, which is how we kind of get funding for the event,” ProCon committee member and accounting major Jared Propis, a senior, said.
Propis has been a member of ProCon since his freshman year at the university and said that they have been hosting “PB & J Thursdays” in the same spot in Engleman Hall since he was a first-year student.
“For the students who walk by here right after classes, they can just stop in to grab a quick snack or a quick lunch,” Propis said.
ProCon also offers students at the event the option to make suggestions of their favorite snacks that could be given out at future functions.
“I think that being acknowledged on what snacks they like and what they prefer is exactly what ProCon tries to accomplish the most,” Mohammed said. “So ProCon can be seen as a social aspect on campus.”
Within just 20 minutes, every crumb of food and every ounce of beverage was gone!
“We try to bring the light and try to show that college is way more than just academics,” Mohammed said.