Today: Feb 11, 2025

Commuter services offer support on campus

Solé Scott- Features Editor

Out of 8,820 undergraduate and graduate students that attend the university, 1,958 students live on campus as of fall of 2023. 

Students that decide not to live on campus commute every day. 

Psychology major Daniel Solicito, a sophomore, has been a commuter since freshmen year. 

“I chose to be a commuter pretty much before I started college because I live within a 30-minute radius of here,” Solicito said. 

Biology major Craig Huydic, a sophomore, currently lives on campus but will transition to commuting in the fall. 

“So, this will be my second semester living on campus,” Huydic said. 

Huydic was a commuter in his freshman year but decided to live on campus his sophomore year for the experience. 

Huydic is a student worker for commuter services. His job is to help organize events and answer any questions or concerns. 

With the rising cost of living on campus, students are forced to look at other options. 

“Honestly I think it is unfair,” Huydic said. “We put so much money as it is into new buildings and getting these different activities, and for them to up the price of something we already have problems with.” 

Social work major Careonna Bradley, a sophomore, lived on campus her entire freshman year until she decided to become a commuter her sophomore year. 

“Freshman year, I was never on campus, so it was kind of easier to live somewhere else off campus,” Bradley said.  

Some students choose to live off campus because they live close to campus. 

“I will be commuting from Ansonia, so a 15–20-minute drive,” Bradley. 

Nevertheless, commuters are not left abandoned and neglected, as there is a resource called Commuter Services that helps off-campus students navigate school life.  

The service is to keep students connected with the university community while they are on campus. 

Commuter Services offers locker rentals, free parking decals and free U-Pass. Students can also purchase a commuter meal plan that ranges from $260-$631. 

That is not even to mention the frequent events held on campus.  

“If the opportunity was given to me, I would live on campus,” Solicito said. “I’m in a lot of my friends’ dorm. I hang out with them. It’s not like I don’t know what the dorming experience is like.” 

Any commuter looking for unique experiences catered to them should check out OwlConnect under the Commuter Services page to see what events and activities are being held each week. 

Commuter Services is located in the Adanti Student Center in Room 216. There is a meeting every Wednesday at 1 p.m. 

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