Today: Feb 17, 2025

Black women honored in their fight against sexual violence

Solé Scott- Features Editor

Violence Prevention, Victim Advocacy and Support Center, VPAS, hosted an event meant to celebrate and learn about Sheheroes. 

The event took place on Feb. 7 in Engleman Rotunda. 

Special education major Taylor Wasilewski, a junior, was one of three students in the tabling. 

“Today’s event is to educate students about the Black Sheheroes that were involved in the Anti-Sexual Violence Movement,” Wasilewski said. 

The women being highlighted during the Anti-Sexual Violence Movement helped biology major Clarisse Aminawung, a junior, set up the tabling as well. 

“Ranges from the past and present and just how they try tried to advocate for anti-sexual violence,” Aminawung said. 

The tabling had different snacks, pens, lip balm and other goods available to students to take once they played the games VPAS created for this event. 

“We are having students spin the wheel, and the wheel is numbered one through eight, and each number correlates to a Shehero,” Wasilewski said. 

Once students land on a number, they will read information on the Shehero and answer a question that is provided by VPAS. 

Nursing major Gabriella Jordan, a junior, attended the tabling throughout the duration of the event. 

“We are in the Engleman Rotunda from 1 p.m. to 3p.m.,” Jordan said. 

As Women’s History month approaches, be on the lookout for more events by VPAS. 

“We will be doing another tabling event. Just two this month because we have a lot of other things going on,” Aminawung said. 

Next tabling is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 21 in the same location, so be on the lookout for more information on OwlConnect. 

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