Today: Feb 11, 2025

Bringing Back the 80s fashion

Emili Lanno– Copy Editor

It is evident in the fashion world that the decades have started to repeat themselves; revealing themselves in upcoming fashion trends, runway shows and all over the world in different shops.

Take the 90s for example, with their chokers, crop tops and platform shoes; they have surely crept their way back into our closets. However, now we should focus on the 80s and reveal some of those fashion statements that have most definitely made their way back.

Now 80s fashion was one of my favorites and should be one to everyone that enjoys one expression: standing out in the crowd. Even if you might not like these kinds of trends, with the bright colors, dramatic makeup, and hair that could touch the sky and have no interest in wearing them, let’s us take a look at some of the styles that are exciting to see back in stores; here’s the 80s.

Now even though they may not come off as prominent now as they did in the 80s we have to talk about shoulder pads. Now this is not everyone’s cup of tea but it for sure is making its way back into clothing at this point in time.

Many say that the shoulder pads were so popular in the 80s because it gave women a sense of empowerment and a business-like feel to an outfit worn in the office. Many vests, blazers, and office jackets include shoulder pads nowadays.

Now we have to touch on the idea of legwarmers. These are pretty self-explanatory, but in a technical sense legwarmers cover your lower legs, are footless and made of thick material that looks similarly like a sock.

Legwarmers were actually well popular before the 80s but were used in more of a practical sense for dancers to keep their lower legs warm, but they slowly became more of a fashion trend once they hit this decade. If you know fashion in the 80s, you would be sporting those leg warmers with dresses, pants, anything, which is exactly how they are worn now.

Another fashion trend that was very popular among everyone in the 80s as baggy and oversized clothing, especially shirts and sweaters. Every young girl would be rocking that oversized sweater with some leggings or tight pants.

If you know the trends nowadays, a big comfy sweater with leggings and boots pretty much sums up what every girl walks out of the house wearing.

We can’t forget about baggy pants and a more proper name for them, “parachute pants.”  These pants seen today are typically tight around the ankle and extremely baggy around the legs. Many people put these with the more ridiculous end of fashion trends during the 80s, but no matter the negative opinions, they were popular then and popular now.

Let’s not forget any of the accessories. One of the biggest statements for women in the 80s was big earrings and jewelry to add with their business-like vest with shoulder pads or their bright oversized sweaters and leggings.

Walk into any Forever 21, Topshop, or popular store on the market now, and the accessory section is filled with huge earrings to fit anyone’s style.

Now one last accessory that made its way to the top is fingerless gloves. Now this isn’t everyone’s style either but it is definitely edgy and gives an outfit a little more of a unique feel to it. Fingerless gloves were most known with the image of Madonna and punk rock fanatics in the 80s, so if that’s your style, rock those fingerless gloves because they are indeed back.

Whether you love the 80s decade coming back into our fashion lives or would rather leave them in the past, these are just a few of the many 80s trends that are reliving and will most likely be staying for a very long time.

Photo Credit: Kris Kesiak

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