Today: Apr 28, 2024

Making improvements toward an easier registration process

Jessica Pellegrino – General Assignment Reporter

Every semester, students wake up before the sun rises, stare at a computer screen, and hope for the best.

This tradition, also known as class registration, usually meets students with a barrage of issues and stress.

Between system crashes and slow servers, students are lucky to even get past the login page to register. Getting all of the classes anticipated is rare, even unheard of.

Since his arrival at Southern Connecticut State University nearly a year ago, Dr. Robert Rennie has been working around the clock to fix the issues students face with registration.

Traditionally, the technical difficulties students face with regards to registration have been due to a number of reasons,said Rennie. But, so far, we have done a number of things to improve that.

Rennie cited numerous improvements to the registration process. He said, First, we updated the hardware that those operations run on, which was very one and not nearly adequate.

Through this, Rennie is working to ensure that SCSU has enough servers to front the brunt of hundreds of students attempting to log in at the same time. Hopefully, this will mean the end of brokenregistration processes.

Rennie said once the hardware was updated, the rest of the actions fell right into place. The hardware issues were the most important to rectify, because they are the basis in which Southerns technology systems run on.

Second, we upgraded the actual software those systems run on, once we had the hardware to support it,said Rennie.

Currently, the Office of Information and Technology is testing out a link service that will allow the student to bypass the Banner login system, therefore eliminating the pesky sign-in process that leaves students classless by the end of registration. This Banner employed access realm is called the Luminis Portal.

Ultimately, we will be replacing our entire Banner system,said Rennie. Currently, some of the problems that students face during the registration period are unfixable, because they exist in the framework of Banner, which is inaccessible to outsiders.

Rennie also created a solution for on-campus students. The Office of Information and Technology created a separate network for campus and for residence life. This will alleviate some of the slowness of registration for students registering on Southerns network.

It is its own network now, so all of the traffic on campus is no longer going to interfere with the traffic coming from residence life.said Rennie.

This means that on-campus students can now run all of their devices including cell phones, game systems, computers, and tablets all at the same time without having to share a network with the main campus.

Rennie believes that the changes that they made so far, will help students in the upcoming registration period, however, it is a long process that will take years to perfect.

We did absolutely everything we could to this point in time,” said Rennie, “and we only plan to do even more in the future.

Photo Credit: MYSCSU Website

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