Today: Feb 10, 2025

scsu students


Part-time job fair brings opportunities

Mia Bonadies — Contributor The Office of Career and Professional Development hosted their first part-time job fair of the semester for perspective students in the Adanti Student Center Ballroom. The event took

Proposed revisions to Title IX addressed by university

Tamonda Griffiths—News Writer U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has proposed changes to Obama-era regulations to the Title IX statute, which prohibits discrimination on college campuses against a person’s sex. According

Women Vets and Women in Combat

Melanie Espinal – Special to the Southern News When the adrenaline gets going it doesn’t matter if women are built the same way as men, said Jennifer Smith, they can do anything a man

Dynamics in the newsroom

Emine Gul Demir – Special to the Southern News While watching the news if the anchor does not represent the background of the audience it gives the impression the unrepresented population is not important

Southern campus addresses tobacco free confusion

Journalism students in the News Writing course, under the direction of Prof. Cindy Simoneau, reviewed two important issues on campus: texting among students and compliance with the new smoke-free campus designation. Students

Working for free at an expense

Melanie Espinal – Special to the Southern News When it comes to publishing professional writing for free, it is hit or miss, said Chelsea Green. The work can either hit really big – or

Housing Process Hassles

Max Bickley – General Assignment Reporter During the school year, there is an exorbitant amount of things which can cause a hassle and frustration. Whether it be the cost of textbooks, multiple exams in
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