Jeniece Roman – General Assignment Reporter The rumors are true; mice have been confirmed in the student center Dunkin Donuts, according to Brad Crerar, director of the Michael J. Adanti Student Center.
Josh LaBella – General Assignment Reporter Buying food on campus adds up, said biology and physics major Rich Szeligowski. “I am only buying a couple salads a week,” said Szeligowski, “and it
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Sonia Nazario speaks in Adanti Student Center Jesse Mullen — Contributor The harsh realities of immigration were presented with a conversation surrounding children who are forced to travel
Tamonda Griffiths – News Writer August Pelliccio – Features and Opinions Editor Victoria Bresnahan –News Editor At about 1:36 p.m. a small grease fire in the Adanti Student Center (ASC) food court
August Pelliccio – Opinions and Features Editor Food menus and the names of food vendors on campus can change as much as Chartwells would please, said junior Lilia Ricci, but at the
Lynandro Simmons – Managing Editor For the 14th year, WSIN radio hosted its annual Sinfest. Sinfest is a fall concert open to the public with intentions of bringing local talent to perform
Josh LaBella – News Writer Southern Connecticut State University President Joe Bertolino made his first university address to a crowd of faculty and students this Monday in the Adanti Student Center Ballroom.
Max Bickley – General Assignment Reporter The usage of the computers and the computer labs on campus is one of the crucial features for many students at Southern. However, this past week many students
Alejandro Rivera – Special to the Southern News Ignacio Navarro, junior business major who plays on the soccer team, said there is one thing that is not a surprise about the Michael J. Adanti
Anisa Jibrell – News Writer An expo was held in the Adanti Student Center ballroom on Wednesday, Oct. 15 to familiarize students with available majors, and to give students a chance to connect with