Today: Feb 18, 2025

financial aid


Move in delayed by financial aid issues

Jackson LaMar — News Reporter For most students, financial aid is the determining factor in whether or not they can attend college. However, for students such as art education major, Ewa Urbanowicz,

Scholarships available every month

Alex Pamieri – News Editor For the 2017-18 school year, the cost of attendance at Southern is $25,840. Because of this, Lew DeLuca, coordinator of Student Financial Literacy and Advising, said he wants

New scholarship program eases application process

Alex Palmieri – News Writer The scholarship foundation program can help students get money that are in need, Heather Rowe said. “The foundation has over 350 scholarships,” said Rowe, business manager at

Board of Regents visits Southern

Alex Palmieri – News Writer     The Board of Regents made an appearance at Southern Connecticut University on Friday, Sept. 16, for a meeting in the Adanti Student Center Ballroom.     The Board of

CSU campuses experience hiring freeze

Alex Palmieri – General Assignment Reporter Yet another halt for Connecticut State Schools and Universities as a hiring freeze has come into effect for 17 campuses across the state. This is due to the

Students petition against tuition increase

Aaron Berkowitz & Hannah Spreckley – News Writer and Editor-in-Chief  Taking out yet another loan to pay for school is a prospect that Diane Lazarus, junior journalism major, has tried to avoid