Jared Kilkenny – Special to the Southern News
Thanks to the rising popularity of a unique degree program at SCSU, the term “a la carte” pertains to more than just culinary arts majors.
The Liberal Studies degree program allows students to enroll in a self-designed interdisciplinary major by combining various concentrations of their choosing. Students can take focused classes in various departments under a single major for an experience all their own.
“Basically, you can get knowledge in more than one thing,” said Bryanna Neal, junior liberal studies major.
By combining two or three concentrations, there are many combinations that students can create along with some that are prepackaged for those on a particular career path.
To hint at the possibilities, a degree with concentrations in business management and music has been nicknamed “Not Starving Artist”; a former mathematics major looking to add economics and computer science to their repertoire, “The Revamp”.
“I love working with the students at Southern,” said Dr. Ilene Crawford, director of the Liberal Studies program and professor in the English department since the fall 2000 semester. “I went to a small liberal arts college and wanted in some ways to be able to recreate some of those experiences in a state school setting.”
Crawford’s own research and teaching interests alongside her background with liberal arts colleges led me to take advantage of the opportunity to direct the Liberal Studies program when then the position became available.
Since taking her position as director in mid-2012, the program has seen a dramatic increase in enrollment. According to the SCSU Factbook, registered liberal studies majors have increased by over 200 percent since 2009.
“We really want to attract students that are intentionally declaring a liberal studies degree as freshman and sophomores and understanding that this is an opportunity to self-design their own degree program and instead of majoring in one subject,” said Crawford.
This fall, three new degree programs under the liberal studies umbrella are being promoted: a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies, and a Bachelor of Arts in General Studies
“We’ve had students combine journalism with photography looking for careers in photojournalism, “said Crawford. “We’ve had students that were really interested in combining media studies, film studies, foreign language, geography, and much more.”
Besides providing a tailored curriculum, the program also offers other options for students looking to simulate other majors or for an alternative once being denied from a specific major.
“For example, a lot of students come to Southern because of the nursing program but are interested in allied health professions,” said Crawford. “Our nursing program is terrific. However, it can’t accept every student that wants to get into that program. These combinations allow them to continue that health career services professional interest even if the nursing program is not the best fit for them anymore.”
SCSU plans to continue its support of the program and are currently recommending the option to new and current students through their advisors. Certain university options will continue exclusivity towards students who chose specific corresponding majors.
“I don’t think I’m missing out on anything,” said Chelsea Gisolfi, junior liberal studies major, led to the program by her advisor. “If anything, I like it more because you’re more focused in what you actually want to learn.”