Idonia Thomas – Contributor
Students who are COVID-19 positive or exposed are given resources and contact information to ensure their education and health are protected. It is important to clarify any misconceptions, and this is where Erin Duff comes into the equation.
Duff has become COVID-19 coordinator for the 2020-2021 academic school year.
She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Public Health and is working towards her Master’s. She is also the former Chase Residence Hall director.
This semester, Duff said she hopes to clarify the depths of COVID-19 and what health guidelines to follow. She works closely with departments such as Health Services, residence halls, Dean of Students, and other offices on campus.
She said she makes the effort to hold students’ health and education as the highest priority. She stays in close communication with anyone who is COVID-19 positive or had exposure to COVID-19 positive individuals.
“Every day is different,” said Duff. “I coordinate the randomized testing on campus for the residential population, our nursing population, and our athletes. I am the first contact for anyone that’s residential, staff, commuter, whomever is either around someone who’s COVID positive.”
With the qualifications she’s gained from related positions, being a COVID-19 coordinator gives an opportunity for her work ethics to be displayed and capabilities on a larger scale.
Residence Life Director Robert DeMezzo, a colleague of Duff, works with her daily and said he can see her dedication to not only this job but the standard that has been set for keeping health a number one factor on campus.
“I’ve known Erin as a progressive student, residence advisor, graduate intern, residence hall director, and now COVID-19 Coordinator. She always had an interest in the health-related field,” DeMezzo said. “Erin has great knowledge of student affairs and students and she has a great knowledge about health and health education.”
DeMezzo said she has a remarkable work ethic and will do whatever is necessary to get the job done. Mariam Osman an alumni, said her experience working with Duff while they were students together was positive.
“During my time as Resident Advocacy chairperson in RHA during the 2017-2018 school year, I did have the honor to work with Erin because at time she was running the Weekend Warriors,” Osman said.
She described Duff as a “good contribution” to the weekend. During her time as a residence hall director she was also in charge of coordinating others and events.
Osman said she was key in helping to plan engaging events and trips and her “ability to be a team player while contributing leadership skills helped to keep weekends on campus for residents to be more engaging but made weekends on campus more fun.”
Duff said the position is not just about her, because without her team helping her every step of the way, it would be harder to achieve the successes they have accomplished so far.
“I have a great team behind me that has helped me every step of the way,” said Duff, “and so I think with that I feel confident in the decisions that are made and in theoverall job itself.”