Today: Jan 20, 2025

Cleaning procedures in place for student center

Donovan WilsonReporter

The COVID-19 landscape has caused the precedent of cleanliness to drastically increase, particularly in high foot-traffic areas like the Adanti Student Center.

Back when the university made the decision to reopen this semester, many changes were made. With this incoming change, the ways in which students eat in the student center, hang out and order have been morphed.

The Adanti Student Center has, for a long time, had its very own cleaning company; Limpiex. It is the only building on the entire campus that has its own outsourced cleaning crew.

Limpiex was forced to significantly change its methods of cleaning. Before COVID-19, the Limpiex cleaning crew was mostly used to clean windows and other surfaces. Now, they focus heavily on any and all touch points. Touch points are any surface or object regularly touched by someone’s hands.

“They had to come in on Easter morning,” said Director of the Adanti Student Center Brad Crerar.

That year on Easter morning, a pipe broke and Limpiex needed to come in. Bringing their own equipment, they were able to vacuum up most of the water.

Much like how the fitness center has functioned in the past, the cleanliness of the Adanti Student Center also relies on students to do their parts and clean their tables after use.

There is either surface wipes or disinfecting spray and paper towels strategically placed around the building for students. Crerar, among other Adanti staff members, have taken it upon themselves to clean as well. Anytime Crerar goes anywhere, he said he is sure to clean everything he touches. Whether that be elevators or railings or door handles or even windows, he said he wipes it all down.

Another new addition to the Adanti Student Center is a student who monitors the computer lab on the second floor. This makes sure that students clean their computer stations before and after use and place a sign signifying that the computer is clean. If they fail to do that, the monitoring student takes care of those duties.

A new technology greatly taken advantage of is known as a hydrostatic sprayer. It is a machine that electrifies the disinfectant so it wraps entirely around the surface of whatever it’s sprayed on.

When you grab something, you don’t just touch the top. You wrap your hand around it. And this device helps clean all those germs.

“I know that sanitation is maintained regularly for the rest of campus,” said English major Nathan McLallen, a sophomore.

There is deep nightly cleaning done every night after students leave. It is done everywhere, but specifically in the ballroom and all the study rooms. Engleman also participates in all the night time deep cleaning.

Lisa Kortfelt has also been creating hand sanitizer for the campus to help keep everybody’s hands clean and germ free.

“They’re cleaning a lot more than they did last year,” said Interdisciplinary Studies major Sarah Lemere, a sophomore.

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