Hannah Olson – Special to the Southern News –
This past week, the Adanti Student Center added a new Coca-Cola Freestyle soda machine to the food court that has over 100 varieties of drinks available for customers, according to the Coca-Cola Freestyle website.
“It’s something fun and new. It allows for creativity among the students,” said senior Kristina Ebert, a communication disorders major.
Creativity and fun is what the Coca-Cola Company is striving for with this new machine, according to their website.
“Coca-Cola Freestyle is all about you,” said the creators of the website. “It’s more than the new way to quench your thirst. It’s the refreshing new way to express yourself.”

Students such as Ebert said the variety of drinks available to students is one of the biggest pros of this new machine. Student Libby Hess, a junior communications major, said she agrees with Ebert.
“More people will eat there [in the Student Center] because of the different varieties of pop,” said Hess, referring to soda as “pop” which is what soft drinks are called in her home state of Iowa.
Hess also said the new machines will be low maintenance because of their up-to-date technology.
However, Ebert and Hess said the Coca-Cola Freestyle machines present cons as well as pros. A con that both students agree on was that the check-out lines will be longer due to more students wanting to purchase a soft drink and because only one person can get a drink at a time.
Another con that Ebert noticed was that this machine “promotes soda consumption which does not promote good health,” she said.
Fortunately for Hess, she will be less tempted by the over 100 varieties the machine offers.
“I don’t really drink a lot of pop. I would use it for the Hi-C though,” she said.
In regards to Ebert’s health concerns presented by these machines, the Coca-Cola Freestyle website says, “from sparkling to diet to caffeine-free, it’s all here, right at your fingertips.”
The two new machines were put in the same place the old soda machines were in the Student Center, and their location has students questioning the efficiency of the check-out lines.
“I don’t think they should be placed there,” said Hess. “After the check-out would be better.”
Ebert also said, “I think it would be better if they were put toward the sides of the food court near the bottled drinks. Therefore it won’t be in the way of the check-out line.”
Even though there are some cons to this new machine, Southern is making strides to be up-to-date on the technology of 2013, said Hess.
The technological appeal of the soda machine will also possibly persuade more students to buy what it has to offer, said Ebert.
Ebert also said she thinks that soon enough students can expect to see the machines in the Connecticut dining hall and possibly the Bagel Wagon in Engleman Hall.
“Our generation is driven by technology. This new machine is going to draw attention to students,” said Ebert. “Students will want to try it and explore all the options it gives.”