Today: Feb 11, 2025

More options try to provide different choices

Josh Falcone – General Assignment Reporter

Students who have an unlimited meal plan can now receive more options for an additional charge with their anywhere meals.

Director of Food Services Danny Dawkins said that the idea for the program first came up in the Dining Services Advisory Committee meeting and is something that gives the student greater food choices.

“The program,” Dawkins said, “is to enhance the anywhere meals. In the past we’ve had students that wanted to have items that did not fall into the category of the anywhere meal program.”

Dawkins said that some of the items that didn’t qualify as part of the anywhere meal program, students can now get for an additional $2.49.

At Nathan’s, students can choose from four menu items, including an order of wings, which Dawkins said was a highly requested item. Students who use one of their anywhere meals at Mondo’s and pay the added charge will receive a foot long sub instead of a six-inch. While at Blue Agave, students can get upgrade to a large burrito, quesadilla, or taco meal with the program.

Over at 2mato, students can get a one topping large pizza for an additional $4.95 or a two topping large pizza for an additional $5.95 as part of the upgrade anywhere meal program. Dawkins said that with 2mato the dining services wanted to do something substantial that would be enticing to students. He said the group didn’t feel that just doubling the number of slices from what a standard anywhere meal garnered students would be appealing to the student body. Dawkins said that dining services wanted to do something special with the upgrade option at 2mato.

He also said that the additional anywhere upgrade option is doubly rewarding as the upgrade also increases the size of the drink students receive from a 20 ounce beverage to a 32 ounce beverage. Dawkins reiterated that the new upgrade program is attempting to augment what students have for selection when they want to eat.

“It’s all about adding more variety,” Dawkins said, “for our students, who are on the unlimited meal plan.”

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