Today: Jan 20, 2025

Admission standards strengthened

Photo courtesy Southern News MELISSA CHICKERNews Writer

The Board of Trustees for the Connecticut State University System has voted to strengthen the academic admission standards for students beginning with the 2015-16 academic year. “Expect More, Achieve More,” the new plan includes Western, Eastern, Southern, and Central Con¬necticut State Universities, which will change standards in subjects including math, science, social studies, world language, STEM, humani¬ties and the arts.

The plan is to create a stronger educational foun¬dation for all students in Connecticut regardless of where they live, economic circumstances, or their post-graduation plans.

According to the CSUS, students and families should expect more from the schools, and educators should expect more from their students. And when expectations are raised, achievement tends to follow.

The standards reflect the requirements of today’s competitive economy according to the CSUS. By strengthening the require¬ments for admission to the four state universities, it will promote more critical think¬ing and core competencies.

The new standards are also consistent with the state’s revised requirements for high school gradua¬tion, approved by the state legislature and State Board of Education, according to Bernard Kavaler, assistant vice chancellor of Public Affairs.

“The boards think it is important for high school graduates to be prepared to succeed for the workplace and wanted to begin before the university level,” he said. “They want to ensure students that they are ready prepared for beyond college.”

The focus of this plan is to put greater emphasis on college preparation and college completion for the best interest of all students, according to the Con¬necticut State University System’s brochure for the plan.

Making these revisions will help Connecticut and its young people to thrive with the necessary needs and preparations to get there, which means prepar¬ing them with a college-level learning base while still in high school, according to the CSUS.

“The goal is to have more students better pre¬pared for college and beyond,” said Kavaler. “This provides them with the experience when they reach the college level and gives them a chance to bet¬ter succeed while still in high school.”

According to the CSUS website, strengthen¬ing admissions will also improve college readiness by reducing the need for students to take remedial or developmental courses at the college level, which costs both time and money.

The plan will not begin until the year 2015, but collaboration with local school districts has already begun.


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