Today: Feb 10, 2025

Homes around the state still without power a week later

SAVANNAH MUL — Staff WriterNo vampires and ghosts, no pumpkins and candy, no princesses and cowboys–the towns canceled Halloween.
Elisia Roberge, a sophomore English education major, said it was exactly like that on Halloween night in her hometown of Cheshire, Conn.
Last week police cars were patrolling the streets around her house to tell people to go inside and how it wasn’t safe to be walking around after Winter Storm Alfred hit, causing many trees and power lines to fall, she said.
“We lost power Saturday afternoon [Oct. 29] and it still hasn’t come back yet,” Roberge said. “CL&P [Connecticut Light and Power] said it wouldn’t be back till Sunday afternoon [Nov. 6], Monday the latest.”
Losing power really made her feel like she was living in the 1800s she said, as she is walking around with a lantern at night and really feeling the burden of the cold.
“My house feels like an ice chamber,” she said. “The second night we were still without power, my sister and I went to UCONN health center for showers and to charge our phones and computers.”
Roberge said since Monday she has been taking advantage of the free showers at Southern’s Fitness Center and has been staying with friends on campus to have heat at night.
“The sad thing is there are a lot of people using the showers at the gym; I don’t think people realize how many are without power,” Roberge said.
Amanda Meador, junior exercise science major and employee at the Fitness Center, said many students and faculty are taking advantage of the free showers.
“Over 60 people in the past few days have signed up to use the showers,” Meador said. “We don’t offer towels or toiletries, but students and faculty have been good about bringing their own belongings to use.”
Last week there were sign-up sheets at the entrance desk to the Fitness Center; Meador said they filled up fast.
The customers of CL&P in the central and southwestern part of Connecticut were the ones to get hit the hardest, reports WFSB news website.
“I’m also sad because fall is my favorite season,” Roberge said with such disappointment. “We didn’t even get the fall season or to see all the colors change. Instead just fallen dead trees.”
Alex Labonte, a junior English major, said she lives in the city of Norwalk and luckily didn’t lose power.
“Personally, I didn’t lose power but just talking to other students here I feel lucky because so many are without hot water and heat,” Labonte said.
On her way to Whole Foods in Westport, Labonte said she didn’t even think twice about power outrages.
“I wanted to get the vegetarian scones they have there and once I got there, they were closed from not having power,” Labonte said. “I’m also mad because it’s not the right time to see snow. I look out the window and see snow, not colorful leaves.”
In some cases power companies around the state just cut power in neighborhoods to fix the whole problem, which Samantha Calcagni said happened to her family.
“We just got our power back this morning [Thursday Nov. 3],” Calcagni said. “They cut the power in our neighborhood right when my dad was in the middle of making sauce for baked ziti, which was in the oven at the time.”
Luckily Calcagni said they have been using the propane grill to cook most meals and she has been sleeping by the fireplace. Now with her power back, she said she is finally looking forward to having the long-awaited baked ziti.

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