Today: Sep 17, 2024

Second annual Fall Fitness Fest provides free classes

A combination designed to educate and motivate students on healthy living

BRITTANY MONTAGUE — Special to Southern News

A tree, lotus and cobra are all organisms found in nature – and in any fitness classroom as yoga positions. In an effort to educate and bring awareness to the Fitness Center on campus, last Thursday Southern participated in the second Fall Fit Fest. Yoga was     just one of  the many classes offered to students.

Amanda Meador, group exercise instructor, said yoga is perfect for staying healthy, because it combines all aspects of what is takes to stay in shape.

“In order to stay fit you need a balance of diet, cardio workouts, and strength training,” said Meador. “Yoga does all of that.”

Meador, who has been instructing fitness classes at Southern for a year and a half, describes the feeling of teaching a class as rewarding.

“Knowing you’re helping someone feel better about themselves is the best,” said Meador.

Having just left Meador’s yoga class, junior and second year yoga student Nicole Cipriano described what yoga does for her. “I love stretching and getting in shape, the  hardest part is staying in a pose,” said Cipriano.

However, some like freshman Ali Griffing said she believes yoga is not all physical, but also helps with mental health. “It’s relaxing, helps me release stress, tension, and take my mind off things,” said Griffing.

Last year a weeklong event, this year just one day, Jessica Scibek, fitness center coordinator, said she finds year after year education is key when it comes to the fitness fest.

“Having the Fall Fitness Fest is great for many reasons,” said Scibek. “Not only does it inform new and existing students on what we have to offer, but it gives stu- dents the chance to try out classes for free and ask questions of our instructors and dietitian.”

The Fall Fitness Fest was open to all students, free all day, featured free body fat screenings, and classes such as Zumba, Cycling, Yoga, push up contest, and raf- fles. According to Scibek, when weight is involved there is a common myth.

“A lot of people that have their stomachs as their problem area, as far as weight, believe if they do 20 sit ups for one day, they can continue to eat whatever they want for the rest of the week.” said Scibek.

Scibek said this couldn’t be more false, and her word of advice when students come to her with this question is ‘spot reduction.’ Spot reduction means that in order to lose weight it takes a dietary change and the implementation of workouts for different parts of the body, not just the problem area.

With a goal of helping students stay healthy, educating and providing the needed tools the staff would like to see the members of the Fitness Center increase.

Scibek said a combination of the open house fitness day, dietitian, and free classes, it will help to correct the way some people view staying in shape and encourage those who are not in shape to do so.

The SCSU Fitness Center is located on the second floor of the Student Center in room 204.

All fitness center classes are free throughout the semester to SCSU students with membership. Students interested in becoming a member can visit the fitness center during its hours of opera- tion, or visit the website: http://www.southernct. edu/fitnesscenter/facility/ and purchase a $60 membership.

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