Today: Feb 06, 2025

New parking garage projected to be completed by summer 2012

Laura CucurelloSpecial to Southern News
Every day commuters of Southern Connecticut State University race to the limited parking garages and lots spread across campus hoping to find a decent spot to get to class on time, but commuters may be able to relax while heading to class in the near future.
This month marks the start of construction work on a new 1,200-space parking garage behind Moore Field House which will ultimately allow commuters access to more parking spaces, as some students have been complaining about lack of parking on campus.
“There is no parking here on campus,” said SCSU junior Leah-Jane Russell, “The garage that is there now is the best idea that they’ve had for commuter parking and there is never any spots available.”
According to Southern’s police department, the campus offers numerous distributed parking garages and lots which include lots for commuters and faculty/staff and only one graduate lot where students have to share with faculty- leaving some graduate students frustrated.
“I’m sure I can speak for all present graduates and future graduate students when I say I will be happy when the time comes for when I don’t have to fight for parking spots with underclassmen reserved for grad students only,” said graduate student Christen Quijano, “I think it’s a wonderful thing to upgrade an over-crowded situation.”
Though inconvenience and tardiness does play an important role when education is involved, more serious issues arise for those students who have a more difficult time walking a further distance if they had no choice but to park further away from their destination.
“Being a veteran, I have some back and knee pain that pops up now and then that has lasted years,” said senior Steven Wilk, “Sometimes when I think I’m arriving early, there are no spots in sight, leaving me no choice but to park at lot 9, which is the furthest lot. So I have to say any extra parking here can only help us commuter students.”
Amongst the parking garages, lots and shuttle services available, there are only a handful of handicapped spots located on the lower level of the garage near Pelz Gym and Facilities Building which, though convenient, could become an issue if those spots fill up as well.
“It would be a great asset to the school to add another parking garage,” said Russell, “especially for us commuters who not only need to get to class on time but who have slight disabilities that prevent us from walking great distances to class.”
Emails have been sent out by Police Chief Joseph Dooley recently letting students know that lot 7 will be closed due to construction, while future updated emails will be sent out as soon construction progresses
Though the question whether or not Southern doesn’t have enough parking to accommodate students is debatable, one thing is for sure: students may be eagerly awaiting this project, but so are other members of Southern as well.
“I am certainly in favor of the construction of this garage,” said Police Chief Joseph Dooley, “as it will ultimately provide a significant number of new spaces to the campus, and though the construction phase will present some parking challenges, the final result will be worth the wait.”

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