Today: Feb 11, 2025

SCSU TV General Manager says station is more productive than ever

Matt Earl, General Manager of SCSU TV

Senior Matt Earl, general manager of SCSU TV, comments on big changes he has overseen.
(Q) How long have you been president, or general manager, of SCSU TV?
(M.E.) Three semesters, this is my fourth.
(Q) What made you originally want the position and what were your goals?
(M.E.) It was kind of an in the moment kind of thing. I thought I could run things more effectively than they previously were.
(Q) What has changed?
(M.E.) We are more productive and procuring more content for our station. We have more members, making us self-sufficient. We don’t need outside help to run smoothly.
(Q) What projects are you working on?
(M.E.)We are doing our second annual film festival, S.C.U.F.F., (Southern Connecticut University Film Festival) which will be in early May and we are also working on an interactive YouTube series. You’d be able to watch a clip and at the end two links will pop up and you can click to see what comes next. You’ll be able to choose what happens next and basically decide the ending of a film. We have also been taping a lot of Rugby games and trying to cover more sports. We’re putting together clips for the team. This is the first step before we figure out how to broadcast games live on our website home and away.
(Q) Are you putting on any game shows? I know you have in the past.
(M.E.)We want to have another campus “Minute to Win it” and also “Take a Rizk” with Jason Rizk which will take place in the Academic Quad and give students a chance to win gift cards.
(Q) What is the biggest change you have overseen?
(M.E.)We finally have structure. It was definitely positive switch because we are not a regular club, we need members to create content and help out. People have their own roles and ideally, with that staff we can run ourselves. It takes a lot of effort, time and people to run the station. We can make so much more and grow with more members. You don’t need to know everything, just be willing to learn. It has especially helped since we’ve taken on more video production majors.
(Q) Are you nervous or excited to graduate this spring?
(M.E.)I’m not overly excited; I’ve enjoyed my time here. If I could stay longer I would. But, if nothing, else I feel well equipped and ready to test what I learned. I don’t need to know everything. I feel comfortable leaving the station with the current members. Nick Corsano has been with me since the beginning, and I know the station will continue to grow bigger. I have faith in the people who will still be here.

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