Today: Jan 17, 2025

SGA endorses Marijuana Decriminalization Bill

The Student Government Association voted last Friday to endorse Gov. Malloy’s bill, SB 1014, on drug policy reform in Connecticut with a vote of 12-4. The resolution passed after SCSU Students for Sensible Drug Policy Co-President and SGA Representative Thomas Hils worked to push the endorsement through.

The University of Connecticut passed a similar resolution earlier this month, making Southern the second student government in the state to support the decriminalization bill. “We hope that coming together in a unifiedfront will make a strong statement for progressive cannabis reform in Connecticut,” said Hils. “I am proud of the members of my organization who were willing to take such a bold stance.”

Under the current Aid Elimination Penalty of the Higher Education Act, a drug conviction can prevent a student from ever receiving federal aid. Hils said supporting this bill is a compassionate move by SGA to help those who may have made mistakes when they were younger and are paying it for it now. SGA plans to present their endorsement to the state legislature.

1 Comment

  1. Everyone understand this: Anyone and everyone that wants to buy, possess and sell marijuana can do so and already has it in their possession. It’s easy to find and very easy to purchase. Remember, it’s everywhere and if you want to have it, you can and Will have it.
    Now, the ONLY question is, what will we do with these individuals, of all ages, when they are “caught” with it? Will we arrest them and ruin their chances of employment and ruin their lives, or will we wise up like many other States and simply place a fine on the possession of it? Alcohol IS the most dangerous drug that can be found, yet there are Still plenty of profoundly ignorant individuals that choose to remain ignorant and keep Connecticut in the Stone Ages and keep our youth unemployed and keep them in the subculture that the marijuana drug law places them. Time to grow up, Connecticut.
    Let’s make marijuana a health issue and not a legal issue.
    If anyone has the time (Republicans can get help with this task), check out alcohol related crimes and deaths compared with marijuana related crimes and deaths. Connecticut, get real!

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