Today: Jan 22, 2025

Greek Recruitment Gaining Speed

Ryan Morgan
News Editor
Greek Life is opening up recruitment in a new unified way this semester. Sue Zarnowski, president of Greek Life Council, said the program “Meet and Greek” will introduce the student body to a new unified Greek community. Zarnowski, who is beginning her fourth semester as president, said she hopes the event will only further her goal to bring more attention to the new unified Greek community.

“I want the campus to be more aware of Greeks and that we do exist. In 2008 and 2009 we had really low recruitment numbers,” said Zarnowski. “We came up with a new marketing plan to really brand us as a group and last semester three sororities held recruitment events with at least 45 girls at each for an entire month. We’ve overcome obstacles and come so far. Coming together is the next step.”

Last semester, the anchor event for Greek recruitment was a Greek showcase. Each organization was given the opportunity to prepare a short program–for example, a skit, song, or dance–to show those in the audience more about their organization. Following the program, recruitment sessions were held to give those interested in specific organizations more information.

On Feb. 2, all six formal recruitment organizations will come together for one performance, rather than working individually. There will be a Greek fair at 7 p.m. before the show starts at 8 p.m. Zarnowski said she expects the event will not only interest more people, but will also allow those in Greek Life to work together and build unity.

Kaitlyn Hoffmann, treasurer of Greek Life Council, planned the programming for the upcoming event. Hoffmann said she thought about a few options but decided to put all organizations on stage together, sororities and fraternities, for one show. Up to six members from each organization will be eligible to perform and really show what they can do.
“We picked music to go with the theme. We wanted something new to take Greek unity one step further. Some of it is corny, like Green Day’s ‘Time of Your Life,’” said Hoffman. “We’ll even finish up with some Glee.”
Zarnowski said the new event is just one of the many initiatives happening this semester to engage students during spring semester. Similar to last semester, organizations will hold tabling events to pass out more information.
“Other schools have huge spring recruitments and we want to have that,” said Zarnowski. “It can be an obstacle to overcome in the spring but we’re doing it.”

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