Ryan Morgan
News Editor
(Q) Going into your second semester as Student Government President, what is the biggest lesson you have learned so far?
B.M.: Being SGA President is a major time consumer because you attend a lot of meetings. I think for me personally, it has to be a learned balance. Last semester I had to take a smaller role in Colleges Against Cancer and I hope to learn to balance it back this semester, especially with Relay for Life coming up.
(Q) Are there any new executive board or representative positions opening up?
B.M.: All E-Board members are staying the same, but there are four representative-at-large positions opening up.
(Q) What prerequisites or steps does a student need to take to fill one of those positions?
B.M.: Students can be a general member and voice their opinions, and become a delegate once they show their commitment and come to a few meetings before becoming a representative. Representatives have a bigger responsibility in SGA; they serve two office hours a week and attend board meetings and committee meetings.
(Q) What is your main goal as president?
B.M.: In talks with Andrew Marullo and Dan Rosa, [Alumni] it is a goal to get SCSU alumni more involved by donating money back to the school. It’s part of the three step plan- delegate to representative to active alumni.
(Q) What is one of SGA’s goals this semester?
B.M.: We just had our retreat and when we sat down everyone brainstormed for every single board. Some big ones are extending library hours on Sundays, since everyone does homework then, and doing something about the Dunkin’ line. We’re trying to get a kiosk set-up to allow people to put in a complaint for administration to see, like ‘I just waited a half hour for a bagel,’ and then they’ll have to do something about it when everyone is informed.
(Q) What’s the easiest thing a student can do to get their ideas and opinions heard?
B.M.: The easiest thing is face-to-face contact. I like it so much more than e-mail or phone. We’re in Room 222 [Student Center] and there is pretty much someone there from 9 a.m. until late at night. Just pop in the office and tell us what is happening and we‘ll filter an issue into a meeting so something can be done.