Sarah Shelton – Photo Editor
Sunshine and hair falling onto Buley Patio occurred on Thursday, Oct. 11, for Alpha Sigma Alpha’s, ASA, annual “Buzz-a-Thon” event.
“Buzz-a-Thon” typically has students getting a full buzz cut in honor of cancer, but this year ASA offered $10 haircuts as a way to raise more money for their charity, Camp Rising Sun.
According to Camp Rising Sun’s website, “Camp Rising Sun exists to serve children who battle cancer. With this in mind, we carefully balance each child’s unique medical needs with opportunities for maximum fun!”
Not every student wants to shave their head, but many do want to support the charity. ASA sisters said they allowed any type of haircut for that reason.
Every student who participated in getting their haircut, by the professionals ASA recruited, was able to enter a raffle to win a basket full of snacks.
A cornhole game was set up and available for students to play while they waited their turn for their cut, but most students decided to watch the haircuts and talk to the sisters instead.
ASA sisters held signs to get students’ attention and handed out Camp Rising Sun bracelets, as well as information about their fundraiser.