Today: Feb 06, 2025

The importance of utilizing on campus resources

Natalie Barletta – Special to the Southern News

How many of you knew that we had an on campus counseling center? How about the women’s center? No? How about the fact that the library has movies and television shows on DVD, and CDs? Didn’t think you did.

Our campus has so many things that we as students are entitled to. In the student center, other than Dunkin Donuts and Mondo’s Subs, there’s a gym on the second floor. It’s perfect for those who just want to work on their fitness and don’t want to travel too far from campus to do so. The fee to sign up is now only $35 because we’re already halfway through the semester!

After you work up a sweat, you can easily get your homework done in the many computer labs that are around campus. In addition to the one that’s located conveniently located near the gym, in addition to the fourth floor of the Buley Library, and the one on the first floor of Jennings Hall. And for all of you math and language majors, (or currently in math or language classes) there’s computer labs just for you guys. Computer labs are perfect for anyone whose computer isn’t working, or a commuter looking to work on that big paper in between classes. Are you a resident? No problem. There’s computer labs located in Chase Hall, in addition to West and North Campus.

After you’ve gotten all of your homework done, you’re probably ready to just sit back, and do something fun. Southern can definitely hook you up. In the student center, we have a fireplace lounge located on the third floor. It’s a perfect place just to relax and catch up on your Netflix, social media, catch up on some reading, or to do actual studying.

However, if you want to look for a good book, the Buley Library definitely has a great selection to choose from. In addition to the stacks, our library has a fully stacked Juvenile section, in addition to a leisure reading section. Both of these sections are rapidly growing with more and more titles being added to the collection. But, the library has more than just books. On the first floor, there’s a collection of CDs and movies at your fingertips for you to enjoy when you just need a break from studying.

In addition to having things to nourish your mind and entertain you, Southern has places for you to take care of you healthwise, physically and mentally. In Engleman, we have a campus counseling center, which is staffed with counselors, whenever you need someone to talk to. Whether it may be simply because you’re dealing with adjustment issues, or have anxiety, they are here to help.  In addition to taking care of your health mentally, there’s the Granoff Health and Wellness Center. It’s located across from the Moore Field House. The center is staffed with RNs, a physician, and nurse practitioners. They are there for STD testing, gynecology, in addition to being skilled in family practice.

Last but certainly not least is the campus shuttle service. Are you a resident who has to make the long walk to Davis? Or a commuter who has to park in lots eight or nine? The shuttle is perfect because during the cold months, you don’t have to walk in the cold weather. There’s even a shuttle that takes you off campus to Union Station. On the weekends, the shuttle can take you to downtown New Haven, to Hamden Plaza, and the Milford Mall. The shuttles are perfect because you don’t have to drive, and for the freshmen who don’t have cars on campus, it’s perfect because you can get off of campus for a while.

Our campus is bursting with things that we may or may not be aware of. Are you making the most out of your campus?

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