Today: Feb 18, 2025

Celebrities taking it from screen to page

Emma Judy – Special to the Southern News

Snooki, Lauren Conrad, Julie Andrews, Tina Fey, Ellen, Jane Lynch, Hilary Duff, Betty White, and Miley Cyrus. What do all these names have in common? Other than being big names in the entertainment industry these entertainers are also authors. And they are not alone, all the time we hear of someone else with a big name writing a book.

Hearing that Snooki or a Kardashian sister wrote a book, you can’t help but wonder if they could possibly put together something that is actually worth reading. You have Snooki who is best known for drinking and fist pumping on the “Jersey Shore.” But just because she acts that way on television doesn’t mean that is who she is when the cameras aren’t on her.

Recently I was driving home from work, listening to the radio when I heard them interview someone. I missed them introducing the guest. But I listened to them talk to her for a while about a book she wrote and planning her wedding. It was until I heard her mention filming with J-Woww, that I realized that the interviewee was Snooki.

I was surprised because when I picture Snooki, I picture the girl who is best known for fist pumping. It never crossed my mind that it was possible that she could have been an author. But after hearing the interview I changed my mind. She was an intelligent young women who found a way to make a name for herself in order to live the life she wanted to live.

Granted some of the writers above may have not written every word of their books but instead hired ghost writers who could bring their stories to the page. But each of the celebrities contributed their idea. They have the money to have a professional writer write their story.

Many of the celebrities who have published books have amazing stories to tell that show how they became who they are today. Jane Lynch’s book share an in depth look into her fight with alcoholism and coming to terms with her sexuality. Jane Lynch’s story as told in her book would serve as an inspiration to many other people across the country going through the same life problems that Lynch did.

Lauren Conrad has probably had the most successful writing career of celebrities writers; she has written many novels in a fiction series. After her time on “Laguna Beach” and “The Hills” from 2004 through 2009, Lauren Conrad has stayed pretty much out of the spotlight and recreated her career by writing novels and starting a clothing line. Most people have now forgotten the young Conrad and replaced their image of her for the successful well put together women she has become.

Each of these celebrity authors have different stories to tell and each are intelligent people whether their past personas in Hollywood have shown the trait. By Jane Lynch sharing her story of overcoming addiction and Snooki having the chance to step out of the person she was on “Jersey Shore,” the American public has gotten the chance to grow and learn as well.

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