Today: Feb 11, 2025

How to stay sane this semester

Nicole Dellolio – Opinions Editor

It’s hard to believe but the semester is already a third of the way over but time goes by quickly when you’re swamped with work.  This is usually the part of the semester when professors start to assign projects and more homework than they were at the beginning of the semester, which means we’re just going to be getting busier and drowning in work.

I remember my first semester as a freshman: after the first month of school I was convinced that doing all of this homework was too much work and that it was way too stressful.  When I got back my first assignment that I had worked so hard on, I was surprised when I had gotten a good grade on it and from that point on I have done all of my homework, projects, papers to the best of my ability to try and do the best that I can.

An important thing to do while in college is to constantly remind yourself the reason that you’re here.  If it’s getting your dream job, changing degrees, or fulfilling your own personal goals, keep telling yourself that that’s the reason that you’re going through all of the stress and hard work.

Something else that helps is to simply reward yourself.  If you get a good grade on the exam that you busted your butt studying for, simply do something nice for yourself.  Congratulate yourself and take time out of your busy schedule to do something that you enjoy whether it be getting an ice cream, going on a run, etc.  Hopefully doing something for yourself every once in awhile will boost your attitude and make you want to be successful.


We all know what it’s like when you have a bunch of projects and papers due at the same time and you just have no idea when you’re going to get any of it done.  Since I am the most organized person in the world, I tend to plan out exactly when I am going to try and get things done and get them finished ahead of time in case something comes up and gets in the way.

Usually before Monday morning I’ll go through all of the things that I have to do during the week and figure out exactly when I’m going to be able to work on each thing.  When things start to pile up the last thing you want to do is sit down and plan things out, but in order to get things done in a timely fashion it’s the best thing to do.

Another important thing that I do is to give myself a break.  When I start to feel myself getting stressed out I take a break and take a walk outside with my dog and get some fresh air.  Taking a break away from homework gives you a chance to breathe and refocus your energy on what you have to do.  The absolute worst thing that you can do is go on social media it becomes addicting and is very hard to get off, especially when you’re trying to avoid doing something.

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