Dear Annie,
I’m transferring schools to Southern this semester and I’m really nervous about meeting new people and getting involved on campus. The other school that I’m coming from was huge, and it felt almost impossible to find the right group of friends to hang out and go out with.
I’ve always heard that college is supposed to be one of the places that you make lifelong friendships, but for me it’s the complete opposite. Even the roommates that I have lived with at the other school didn’t want anything to do with me. I felt socially awkward just being in the same room with them.
I really want to have the “real college experience” and need better ways to make friends this semester. Help!
Transfer Loner
Dear Transfer Loner,
First of all, college is supposed to be one of the best times of your life. It’s usually people’s first time living away from home and getting to experience new and exciting things, so don’t let your shyness or whatever it is hold you back!
One of the most important things to do is to get involved on campus. Find out what hobbies or interests you want to participate in and get involved! There’s a club or sport for almost anything that might interest you, so get information on it and get started.
Also don’t forget to be open minded about becoming friends with your roommates because if you’re going to be living with them, you might as well make the best of it.
Once you find a solid group of friends, there are a ton of things to do in New Haven so you’ll never get bored. Good luck!