Ellie Sherry — Reporter Each year National Coming Out Day is celebrated on Oct. 11. To honor the day at Southern, a photo booth was set up to take Polaroid pictures of students
Jacob Waring — Online Editor he room as members of the College Democrats ceased their conversations about the LGBTQ+ Town Hall to give their full attention to the audience member who interrupted
Josh LaBella – News Writer Southern Connecticut State University President Joe Bertolino and Connecticut State Colleges and Universities President Mark Ojakian told students they had no set agenda besides discussing their experiences
The proposed sign layout for the gender neutral bathrooms on campus Oct. 17, 2016. Photo Courtesy: Tracy Tyree
Jeniece Roman – General Assignment Reporter Facilities Operations will install all gender signs on single use bathrooms on the Southern Connecticut State University campus. “It’s important that the school is recognizing that
Kaitlyn Regan – Special to the Southern News Jenna Retort, Sexuality and Gender Equality Center coordinator for programs, outreach, and services, said Southern is working on making a safe campus for the
Taylor Nicole Richards – News Writer Next fall students will see quite a few new updates to housing and the room selection process for those planning to live on campus. Residence Life recently sent