Today: Feb 07, 2025

delta phi epsilon


Delta Phi Epsilon hosts blood drive

Anisa Jibrell – News Writer One hour and one pint of blood is all it takes to save three lives, according to collections team supervisor Pat Patonelli from the American Red Cross. Delta Phi

Delta Phi Epsilon sorority sponsors blood drive

Jessica Pellegrino – General Assignment Reporter  Southern sorority Delta Phi Epsilon sponsored an American Red Cross blood drive on Sept. 15 and 16, 2014 in the Adanti Student Center ballroom. The sorority

Greek Showcase Takes Over Ballroom

Jene Thomas – General Assignment Reporter  The stage nearly collapsed as the fraternities and sororities of Southern Connecticut State University performed skits during the Greek Showcase on Thursday. The Greek Life Council
Delta Phi Epsilon sorority participating in this year's Day of Service

Southern’s community comes together for Day of Service

Kayla Mitchell – News Editor The Ronald D. Herron Day of Service at Southern is one day like no other. It is a time when everyone comes together as students of Southern