Today: Feb 11, 2025

Features - Page 2

Churros and tattoos with OLAS

By Lexi White Features Editor  The sweet smell of cinnamon filled the air as students decorated their arms with artistic designs while listening to Hispanic music.   The Organization of Latin American

Breast cancer awareness walk

By Lexi White Features Editor Students came together to honor the beginning of breast cancer awareness month. Led by the Residence Hall Association, students walked from the Buley Library to the Residence

Students rep their flags with CSA

By Lexi White Features Editor  As the semester progresses, the stress students face with their studies becomes more prominent. To escape from their academic worries, students spent their night filled with dancing,

Red flags with K9 Jules and VPAS

By Lexi White Features Editor  Flags have populated the Residence Quad; green flags to share positive experiences in relationships and red to shed light on negative relationship experiences.  The Violence Prevention, Victim