Lexi White- General Reporter
Midterms are right around the corner and students’ stress levels are high. That is why the Programs Council, or ProCon, decided to host an event that will help students relax and take a break from studying.
On March 5, ProCon hosted “March Madness” in Room 217 of the Adanti Student Center. It drew the attention of students who just wanted to take their minds off school.
ProCon provided them with fuzzy socks, face masks, stress balls and lip balm. In addition, students were able to participate in the relaxing activity of painting.
One of the ProCon members helping to host this event was biology major Craig Huydic, a sophomore.
“Today’s event is all about mindfulness,” Huydic said. “We have positive affirmations, sleeping masks and special guests coming.”
The special guests happened to be Sergeant Torres and K9 Jules. They stopped by to bring the students some extra support during this demanding time in the semester.
“People come to school, and they think of stress, studying and work,” Huydic said. “So, if we can somehow make it so that coming to school can be a good thing, then I think we have done our job.”
Aside from painting canvases, the students spent their time petting K9 Jules, which brought tons of smiles.
One student at the event who spent a lot of time with K9 Jules was psychology major Alyssa Murphy, a freshman. She had a special connection with this event.
“I am really enjoying the painting because that was something my grandma and I used to do all the time before she passed,” Murphy said. “I feel really chill and relaxed because I am connecting back with my memories of her.”
Murphy said that she gets very stressed in times like these, and that this event significantly helped her.
“I am actually able to focus on what is going on in my brain right now,” Murphy said.
Another member of ProCon that was hosting the “March Madness” event was biology major Prasaus Yeager, a sophomore. She thought this kind of event was very beneficial for those who attended.
“It is very therapeutic to paint and color, and that is what I like to do when I am stressed out,” Yeager said. “It is really nice to share this with the student body.”
Murphy also thought ProCon’s event was very favorable for students.
“I definitely think this helps to meet new people,” Murphy said. “You can make creations, get stuff for self care and get to know Sergeant Torres and Jules.”
Another student who attended was collaborative education major Michaela Schweikert. She heard about the event through ProCon’s Instagram and really wanted to do some painting.
“I am most enjoying being able to be in my thoughts and relax myself because I suffer from anxiety, and I feel like this is one thing that relieves it after having a stressful day of taking a midterm,” Schweikert said.