Today: Jan 24, 2025

random covid – 19 testing will be a good thing

Sam Tapper Managing Editor

Students living on campus during these times have heard the same phrase from everyone in Residential Life – from Director Rob Demezzo down to the resident advisors: “You are subject to random COVID-19 testing.”

The wording is one thing -phrasing it the way it has been phrased paints it to be just as an involuntary or random drug test. Despite the sentence composition, do not be fooled – this is a blessing in disguise.

No, the physical COVID-19 test is not necessarily fun. In fact, I would even call it actively unfun, as the nasal swab – while it does not hurt for some – does not feel good.

Yes, the process is inconvenient, as being selected just adds another place to go and thing to do on all our busy schedules. But as a university, we must remember how lucky we are to have this resource accessible on campus.

COVID-19 testing, just like the virus itself, has been a big unknown since our nation went into crisis back in March 2020. First, from about March to May, testing was scarce, only available with the right amount of dollars and a good insurance plan, unless you are a professional athlete.

Then over the summer, testing became more widely available. Across the country and people were able to give themselves a bit more peace of mind.

President Trump repeatedly said over the summer months that the country is “testing too much,” which is a gruesomely foolish and quite frankly shocking statement from someone at the top, but we do not have to go there.

Testing, simply put, is how society is still being able to run, albeit differently than we are used to. But in the times of a pandemic, everyone must do their part and be a team player. By having these random tests, the university can do two things.

Primarily, it allows the university to be transparent. Positive tests cannot go unannounced or kept in the dark – the rest of campus needs to know. So, with these tests, students have, and will continue to be kept informed about the state of the university in terms of the virus.

Secondly, these tests will decide our future this semester. That is hard to believe, but it is true.

If at any point there is an outbreak on campus, these test results will be what let us know. If at any point the university must shut down again, these test results will be a catalyst for making that decision.

Being randomly selected for a COVID-19 test will not kill you. It will not kill you to walk to Moore Field House even if you do not want to or if the weather is bad. We have all had COVID-19 tests to come to campus, the nasal swab did not kill you there and it will not this time either.

It is an inconvenience, but a minor one at its worst. Being selected for a random COVID-19 case will take an hour out of your day, but by complying you are doing your part to help prevent any possible rapid spread.

The more we comply and cooperate, the sooner campus, and the world, can return to normalicy. It is all about doing our parts. So please, keep your distance from each other, wear your mask even if it is not ideal and do not pout or whine about you being randomly selected for a COVID-19 test. This, at the end of the day, is a good thing.

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