She says…
All right, the sex is over and two things will usually happen, or well maybe three things. Either you spoon and cuddle, enjoy each other’s company, not spoon at all and get up because I guess, not everyone likes that. Then the third: more sex.
But I’ll just come out and say it cuddling/spooning after you’ve had sex is nice. I mean, who wouldn’t enjoy it. Imagine lying next to the person you’re dating, or maybe soon-to-be-dating, or whomever you do and purely relaxing in each other’s arms. If another round of sex didn’t happen right after the first, there’s a good chance that after successful spooning you might be going at it again.
There’s nothing bad that comes out with spooning. It’s romantic and sharing the moment with someone you truly care for is beautiful.
I can see there is a time and place for spooning either before or after sex or even just relaxing with your lover, but it’s just always good. I know some people won’t agree. But also, if it does happen before… it is a good way to mix up foreplay, make it more sensual and spice up the relationship.
– Savannah Mul
He says…
Savannah says some people won’t agree and she’s right. Because I don’t. Cuddling after baby makin’ is subjective. I’m a cuddly guy and hold my standards high for that privilege.
In fact, it can be more poisonous than the actual act of sex. That’s where the emotions truly get caught up and where the danger lies.
If there’s any sort of spooning action, be sure it’s with someone you have genuine feelings for. It can be romantic but not if both parties aren’t on the same page.
I was once in a situation where I knew the feelings weren’t mutual. I’d be lying to her if I laid down there and looked her in the eye as she opened up to me. In the long run, it does nobody a favor. So it’s best to be honest and if sex is just sex, make those intentions clear.
Things get said during these intimate moments that are difficult to take back. There’s a nostalgia lingering in the air.
You’re in love with the moment, not the person.
It’s almost ironic that sex isn’t the deal breaker in relationships. It’s that first kiss, those moments holding and comforting someone else that make people fall.
– Jon Moreno