Today: Feb 18, 2025

Kim and Kanye… or wait is it Kimye?

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Jamila YoungStaff Writer

Just as 2012 was coming to an end, 2013 was beginning, and the world got news of a new life. The New Year has brought Kim Kardashian and Kanye West a baby. Kim and Kanye a.k.a. Kimye, are expecting their first child! Kim’s sister, Khloe Kardashian-Odom, took to Twitter on New Year’s Eve tweeting, “Keeping secrets is hard with so many family members! Especially when you are so freaking excited!!!!! LOVE is everything.” And before this tweet, she tweeted, “KIMYE!!!!!” I thought that she was trying to say that Kim and Kanye were married, so I was shocked when I found out that Kim was pregnant.

Everyone has their own opinions about this baby coming, and are making all sorts of jokes about it. I saw comments on Twitter that Khloe should be the one having a baby; I guess since on their reality show “Keeping up with the Kardashians,” Khloe is shown going lots of struggles to get pregnant. As a viewer of their show, I personally can’t picture Kim being a mom.

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I’m kind of waiting for Kanye to do something to piss off Bruce (just for my own entertainment), and have a big fight between Bruce and Rob, and even have Lamar jump in. I think that Bruce has some negative feelings about the pregnancy that he might be hiding. He always talks about how the girls or Kris are doing something only because they have the money for it, when they really don’t need to be doing it; he makes them seem so high maintenance compared to him. Maybe Bruce likes Kanye, I don’t know. Kanye is known for being so controversial at times, but he seemed like a different person when he was on “Keeping up with the Kardashians.” He acted so shy.

I have mixed feelings about the pregnancy. I’m happy that Kim has a baby like she’s wanted, but I hope they get married after she is officially divorced from Kris Humphries. And I hope he treats Kim and the baby right, because I know her family will attack if he messes up in some way. And since Khloe is my favorite Kardashian because she’s the funniest and just says whatever she wants to at the moment, I think she should have a baby. I hope she can get pregnant in the first place. But good luck to Kimye, and I hope they prepare for all the craziness to come for them; media and baby wise.

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