Today: Feb 14, 2025


Jennifer Hoffer – Sports Writer

Whether or not New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez is collecting baseballs with models phone numbers on them during an ALCS game or being fed popcorn by Cameron Diaz, the baseball stud always seems to find himself in the public eye of all sporting news.

Rodriguez is a popular fan favorite to poke fun at and a media’s source to having a field day. But Rodriguez’ run at “superstardom” may be coming to an end.

Superstardom? Shouldn’t he be more known for a baseball player? Too bad his private life, public life, and most recently uncovered steroid use ruined his past and now possibly future career in Major League Baseball.

In 2004 Rodriguez was traded to the Yankees from the Texas Rangers. His numbers slowly declined year to year.

In 2007 there were reports that Rodriquez was using steroids. He denied such accusations, only revealing that he had stopped using them when he came to New York. Or did he?

More and more research has emerged from the Miami New Times, stating that they have found evidence that Rodriguez among other players like Nelson Cruz and Gio Gonzalez have been linked to a clinic where they were supplied with performance-enhancing drugs.

Rodriguez has since denied the accusations. But the more sources that come forward with stories makes it that much harder to believe him, especially since he does have a steroid past.

Sources say not only was Rodriguez being treated at the Miami clinic, Anthony Bosch was also allegedly visiting Rodriguez at his home in Biscayne Bay late at night to personally give Rodriguez injections of the performance-enhancing drug.

Investigations are continuing while Rodriguez is persistent in denying the accusations.

The Yankees are looking for any way to rid themselves of this Rodriguez baggage. They are in hopes of voiding his 10-year/$275 million contract which he signed in 2007.

The Yankees would be happy just to get Rodriguez out of the organization, being able to void his contract or not. The problem is that he has to agree to the terms of the Yankees decisions.

But most sports news reports are speculating that Rodriguez will not be returning to play for the Yankees, or to baseball in general for that matter.

I’m sure more news of this will surface especially with spring training just a few weeks away. So until now, another supposed sports idol goes down.

It’s becoming harder to idolize a professional athlete in the sports world now. The number of athletes being caught or coming forward admitting to their use of steroids during their career is increasing.

Just recently, one of the most respected, honorable athletes, Lance Armstrong lost his credibility, his accolades and most importantly his good name in sports due to steroid use.

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