Savannah Mul – Opinions Editor –
With the first snowfall of the season coming a little early this year, grabbing the needed accessories to add the little extra warmth into our outfits is a must. November fashion brings exciting shades into wardrobes, with the inspiration coming from one thing in particular; leafs. Leafs come in all different colors and vibrant shades, and help feed a designer’s mind. Within the month of November, there are three shades that should be worn more and focused on more than any other month of the year. The shades are mustard yellow, a deep royal yet lively blue and an oxblood shade; which is a mix between maroon and magenta.
All these colors are found within nature during the month of November, maybe not the deep lively shade of blue, but maybe if you’re lucky enough it’s possible to stumble on this color in a leaf. These colors are comforting and most importantly, the wardrobe takes on a character of it’s own. Morphing into what was a mix of summer and fall clothes to cozy, relaxing colors that will soon introduce the winter season. Even if it’s just the little accessories—gloves, scarves, hats, purses, or wallets—traces of these colors will add the little effort that goes into making an outfit less dreary with plain browns, but stand out and pop.
Mustard yellows, royal blues and oxblood all pair remarkably well with all proper shades of fall, from browns, tans and blacks. Another shade that gets overlooked easily is purple. Not pastel, easter egg palette purple, but a dark, deep shade of purple. If you were looking for one new accessory this month, try searching for a dark purple scarf, then pair it with a mustard yellow shirt or a brown dress with yellow tights. Work with nature for this month. Notice colors within the month and become inspired.
My advice to you: don’t be afraid of color or printed pants. Printed pants are back, I’m not exactly sure when they even left, but regardless the style is right on with the continuation of fall fashion. The printed fabric adds the extra element to make an outfit go to the next level. At first I was skeptical about buying a pair of printed jeans, I tried on at least five or six until I found the pair that fit and I could call mine. The search was worth it and it’s safe to say they are my new fall fashion obsession.
It’s free to try clothes on, so don’t be afraid to try on a pair of printed pants. It might turn out that those will be your new obsession as well. Embrace vibrant fall colors and don’t give in to the approaching grays and blacks of the winter season!
Upon getting dressed in the morning, don’t forget the accessories—this goes for guys too! Whether it be putting on a trendy watch, or wrapping a plaid scarf around your neck.
Though most of the students here are just dressing to go to class, eat, then back to their dorm—always dress to impress. You never know who you’ll run into.