Today: Feb 14, 2025

Students pose questions for President Mary A. Papazian

Savannah Mul – Opinions Editor

I walked up to a student and asked, “With the inauguration of our new president is there anything that you would want to see changed or something you want improved?” From the blank stare I received from some students, it was clear some weren’t even aware of the new president, Dr. Mary Papazian. However, Tysheema McDonald, sophomore majoring in human resource management said, “She should offer scheduled office time or hours where she is able to meet with students if there were any problems.”

In regards to McDonald’s response, I couldn’t agree more with her. A designated time where students are able to come and talk to the president is what would make the Southern community stronger. Not to mention it would also build positive relationships within the student and faculty staff.

Kim Phelan, a junior majoring in English education, said it would be nice to see our president keep up with attending Southern’s events.

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“I’ve seen her around,” Phelan said, “and it would be good to keep that up, from showing up at football games and other programs.”

Having a president who attends Southern events is nice to see, Phelan said. After all, who would want a president who doesn’t show school pride and doesn’t make him or her available to the student body?

Judy Behler, a receptionist at the information desk in the Adanti Student Center, said the biggest compliant students tell her is, “They want a fax machine made available to students and more accessible mailboxes.” Behler said those are major issues that students are looking for and where they can go to get it on campus.

Many students addressed questions regarding commuter parking issues and positive changes to Conn Hall.

Arslan Younas, freshman biology major, said if commuters were able to buy a spot he feels that parking issues would be resolved.

But, with the construction of the new parking garage on Wintergreen Avenue, hopefully the parking problem at Southern will be eliminated.

Of course food was another problem that raised questions within some of the students.

Emily Gaynier, sophomore history major, asked, “Is she planning on getting better food for Conn Hall?” I honestly feel that this will never be solved. A school cafeteria is as good as a school cafeteria can be. Conn will always be Conn—a part in the Southern community that everyone will go to at least once in their time spent here and roll their eyes about how gross the food is and how that (unfortunately) they’ll be back for more.

Jamila Young even raised the question (which I couldn’t agree more with), “Why isn’t there a Chinese restaurant or vendor available in the student center?”

Yum sweet and sour chicken.

Now, I’m not sure if Dr. Papazian will have answers to these questions–from parking, to being involvement, and then Chinese food in the student center. But it doesn’t hurt to attempt to ask.

I’d even like to see a president-to-student forum. Where students can attend a conference with the president and then therefore, be able to talk one on one until issues are solved or ones that could be on the back burner are then brought forward.

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