Today: Feb 18, 2025

Cast your vote this fall

Dan Griffin – Special To The Southern News

Between the two candidates running for president this year, there has not been such a well-drawn difference of opinion in at least 20 years. If there ever was a time for college students to make a difference, it is now.

I understand a lot of people think politics are boring. I work two jobs, take five classes and commute to school every day so I know that there seems to be a lot of other things to worry about besides the two suited men making speeches every day.

But depending on the outcome of the election, a very specific presidential opinion will be in the Oval Office. Some of you may like President Obama while some of you may want change and feel that Mr. Romney would be a better president.

Regardless of what you believe, we live in a country where we are entitled to our free will. No one can ever tell you your opinions are wrong and you should never feel that way. You have the opportunity this November to make your opinions heard and stand up for your views on a national level. The presidential election of 2012 may become one of the most highlighted events of recent American history and everyone should be a part of it.

The partisanship (difference between parties) in this election is the greatest reason why anyone who can vote, should vote. It is your right as an American to vote for who you want, to support the opinions of a candidate and let the politics in America know what our citizens want from our government. Depending on who you side for, you will be choosing your ideal version of America and the significance of this cannot be overstated. If you do not vote, you are putting the fate of your country at the will of other voters whom you may disagree with.

No matter who you are, you have an opinion that deserves to be heard.

In our last presidential election, votes were close to record highs. American University’s Center for the Study of the American Electorate found that 63% of eligible voters went to the polls in 2008. It was the third-highest voter turnout since women were given the right to vote in 1920. Voter turnout records were set in nine states and Washington D.C. and turnouts increased 28 other states.

It is our responsibility to cast our votes this November and set new records. This election is too important not to vote. Policies involving health care, birth control, financial aid, taxation, the size of the federal government, foreign action, war, job creation, eliminating the deficit and other crucial issues are being debated right now, and a decision will be made soon regarding the direction of our country.

It is time to make your voice heard. The need for higher participation in politics is growing by the day. The more the public votes and listens to what the politicians have to say, the better the country will be as a whole.

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