Savannah Mul – Opinions Editor –
To all the sophomores, juniors and seniors: the Hoot Loot card that we were so used to has recently changed. If you choose to stop by the University’s card office located in the Wintergreen building with your old Hoot Loot card, the workers will give you a newly designed one for free; it’s great. The modern looking design of a blue and white owl screams Southern Style.
Incoming freshmen received this card during their orientation programs and preferred this design to the other. Taylor Carson, a freshman marketing major and student worker in the Hoot Loot Card office said, “So far we’ve been receiving a positive response from the students, and you can get a new card with the exchange of your old one.”

The new hoot loot design available to SCSU students.
So after hearing all the chatter about the newly designed card, I figured I had to go down to the office and see what the fuss was all about.
However, I still don’t see the big deal about the card, and when I decided to trade mine in for a new one, I felt odd. I handed my original Hoot Loot card over to a complete stranger who would then hand me a brand new one and proceed to throw my old one away.
I’m a sentimental person and can get emotional over the small things (considering my astrological sign is cancer, and we are the most emotional sign) but I never thought I’d feel an emotional tie with my Southern Hoot Loot card that’s been with me since fall of 2009. It’s a silly feeling, but it shows how easy it is to replace things.
Have you ever thought back to your time spent in high school and how when it came for your turn to graduate? After an hour ceremony, the incoming class quickly replaced you and your fellow classmates.
The idea of being replaced is bittersweet. In the end you’re entirely happy to move on with the next chapter in your life, but for it to happen so quickly is where the sad emotions kick in and you’re left wondering and reminiscing of the time you spent, wherever that certain place is.
In the end, I’m not sure if replacing your Southern Hoot Loot card will leave you feeling bittersweet, but it sure left me with a wake-up call, because after I graduate, I’ll be replaced with another hopeful student. That’ll be as easy as turning over your old hoot loot for the new one.