Today: Feb 11, 2025

Have a jog, not a cig

Savannah MulOpinions Editor –

Good news smokers: incorporate exercise into your everyday routine and it will cut down on your cigarette breaks. According to a British study, where the results were published in the journal “Addiction,” data was collected from 19 clinical trials and found that an efficient amount of exercise helped reduce nicotine cravings.

This study proved that those had less desire to have a cigarette after working out. But, how exactly does this happen?

Exercise serves as a good distraction. It can strengthen the heart as well as increase energy levels and reduce stress dramatically. Some college students will turn to a cigarette to take away their stress. But instead, go for a jog. The possible high you were looking to have can then possibly be achieved from your half mile run, or another random bout of physical exercise you partake in.

However, I can’t imagine the number of people who would be at work or in a class and instead of taking a five-minute cigarette break, would instead take a 20-minute jog to cut out the craving. If anyone were willing to test out this new study, the individuals would have to find a schedule that will work for him or her.

Taking small steps is the key to slowly cutting the cravings. Start in the morning or evening when you have the extra time and when you would typically be reaching for a cigarette. Notice the craving and want to change it. So get your sneakers and take a walk. Get your energy levels to increase, your heart rate to strengthen, and reduce the negative energy and stress that’s upon you.

When the exercise is over, your desire to have a cigarette will be far less.

Cutting back will even be a great financial move, since investing in a new pair of sturdy sneakers is less expensive than buying a pack of Newport’s each week; which will add up quickly and will soon be significantly over the cost of brand new kicks.

The American Cancer Society reports that 40% of U.S. smokers will try to join the non-smoker’s world; but only 4-7% are successful without medication aids. This has to rise and partaking in short physical exercise bouts might be the little extra help that someone might be looking for to stop the craving.

Since this is a fairly new study, researchers aren’t sure of the long-term effects. If a person were to keep the exercise up, there would be only positive improvements in their health and lifestyle. Then there’s a good chance that there won’t be a reason to grab another cig after all.

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