Today: Jan 20, 2025

The importance of being present

Savannah MulOpinions Editor
August is closing in on us, and soon the leaves will be painted with maroon as well as shades of bright yellow and orange. It’s now the end of summer and the first week –or the first month I should say– of adjusting to your new life this September, and the back to school routine can be daunting to those who spent their summer laying on the beach daily.

Welcome all, returning students and new faces!

As I start my senior year, it’s hard to believe I’m reaching the peak in my education, yet there is so much more learning to be done. Time goes by too fast and it’s hard to remember every single detail about your life. Usually only the really good memories and the horrible break-ups stay with us the longest.

But in the midst of the greatest and worst moments of your life, it’s incredibly crucial to always remain present. Absorb the laughter, the love, and build confidence. While walking from class to class this fall, don’t rely on your phone for the five minutes of free time you might have; put your phone down, and see who’s around – a new crush perhaps!

It’s difficult to remain present in most situations today. There are many digital distractions. To pay attention to a conversation is rare and looking in a person’s eyes during that conversation is rare.  It’s incredibly likely to see two friends talking while one would be skimming through their phone, texting, facebooking, or what have you, and while the other is blabbering away. They certainly might look present, but how much attention are they really giving each other?

Be present and listen. Roger Fransecky of the Huffington Post states in an article about the importance of paying attention, “few of us really listen to anyone, we are too busy thinking of the answer they need even before they finish asking us their question.”

I’m sure we are all guilty of this, so change! Fransecky highlights the difficulty it is to be present and to completely give your attention to someone else, considering most of us all today can probably win a medal in multitasking.

However it’s incredibly possible, so be present as much as you can. Absorb the life around you and the new surroundings you’re in. It’s easy and safe to go about the motions and fall into a zombie trap; but where’s the fun in that? Be present to learn and love more; take a step out of your comfort zone.

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