Today: Jan 17, 2025

What we think we know might change for the better

Jessica Giannone — Opinions Editor
This article isn’t about graduation; it’s about life.
Back when we were younger, and we weren’t sure what we’d become–when the glory revolved around adults with their productive lives, and children had nothing but the stains on their new shirts to worry about—something changed.
Suddenly knowledge caught up to us. We tried different things, developed different interests and the passion to go along with those, in addition to untouchable motiva­tion. Become an astronaut—why not? We knew what we wanted, we knew the tools we needed, and we knew we could get there. We were so ahead of the game.
We had it all: the encouragement, the acceptance and the excitement to pursue our dreams. Our confidence was intact, and our heads were untainted by external forces. Then we became exposed to the catalysts for forgotten dreams.
No one can figure out what it is about growing up that tampers with these tools of perseverance. It could be that we become more realistic; we become afraid of rejection, wasted time, money and effort; and we compare ourselves to others. We’re certainly more susceptible to everyone else’s opinion.
But the reality might actually become simple negativity, the fear irrational, and the comparisons just a reflection of that fear and vulnerability to failing. What went wrong? (Aside from the economy).
When we got to college, our options sprawled all over the place with an opportu­nity here and a class there. Maybe our enthusiasm grew, as we met new people and were surrounded by ambi­tion. Maybe we’re confused at what we want because we see the real sides to our original passions: not much pay, little opportunities and a ton of work. The overwhelming steps to get and maintain a career may come into play until the point where we say screw it and major in whatever seems reassuring for a future.
Anyone can tell you you’re better off doing something else. Anyone can put in their two cents about your educational path. Though the bottom line is, we can’t go wrong if we’re pursuing what we want— setbacks or no setbacks. Nonetheless, this end-chasing is like a constant circle of ups and downs; first nothing, then something. Then some­thing, then nothing.
If we could rewind close to square one, we would be at the spring of assurance with what we truly desire; the core of our goals would surface with diminished second-guessing at that age where we had no doubts (rocket scien­tist—I’ll take it). Rewind a little more and we’ll see that where some of us may be now, is where we were at the get-go–that pre­cious time when we had no idea what to do (before we upgraded to Pull-Ups).
We still don’t know what we’ll become, and we glorify those adults who do. We, again, have those critical years ahead of us where we have yet to be presented with ideas, chances and doors for whatever it is we will decide to become.
That is the beauty of life, and it all starts with graduation.

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