Today: Feb 13, 2025

Sports Commentary: Thank you all

PETE PAGUAGA Sports Editor
After a year-and-a-half as Sports Editor of the Southern News, this will be my final col­umn. Other than this being the last issue of the school year, I will be taking my talents to the real world after I graduate in a few weeks.
It has been a privilege to work and write for the South­ern News. I have had the oppor­tunity to work with some of the nicest and best people here at Southern and for that I am truly thankful.
The last year and half have been very fulfilling for me, being able to cover college sports and interviewing athletes from different sports. I have learned so much and hope that what I have learned here I will use for the rest of my life.
If any of you are friends with me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter, I just would like to apologize for all the tweets and Facebook posts telling you to read and comment on my newest column or article. For those that did go and read them, thank you very much.
To my roommates and close friends, thank you for putting up with me giving you guys a copy of the paper every week so that you could read the newspaper. Also I did listen to your guys’ tips and recommendations even though sometimes it didn’t seem like I was listening or wanted to listen.
To anyone who has ever read anything that I have written whether you have agreed or disagreed, I have ap­preciated every comment and have taken what you have had to say into account when writing the next column.
I also want to thank my parents. My dad who both­ered so many family members and family friends with emails whenever the new issue came out here or when I had something published at my internship. And my mom, who never understood anything that I wrote but tried anyway.
Not many people truly say that they enjoyed their time here at Southern and many people asked me why I wanted to come to Southern from Long Island. I came to Southern because of the great journalism program and I was right about that. I also really enjoyed my four years and I am glad that I am graduating; a little of me doesn’t want to leave.
Not that it’s over but another chapter will begin as soon as I cross the stage.
I have no idea how to end this at all; maybe it’s that I don’t want to end it. So I will end it with a quote from by one of my favorite people in sports history, Herb Brooks.
“And maybe I’m a little smarter now than I was be­fore for all the stupid things I’ve done.”

1 Comment

  1. Great final article Pete. Nice way to warp things up.
    Good luck after graduation. We wish you and your fellow graduates the very best now and in the future.
    Now that you have me hooked on SCSU sports, make sure I get articles from next year’s sports writer, I like making comments 🙂

    Now go get a job 🙂

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