Today: Feb 13, 2025

Night out: new insight

Chardoneé Wright Staff Writer
 Back when I was in middle school, I was always involved in plays and writing enrichment programs. At the time, having freedom to stay after school with my friends and work on plays was so fun and exciting. It is the little things that we take for granted sometimes. Some people I know never got the opportunity to explore something different or engage in different programs to see where their personal talents or gifts may be birthed and nurtured.
We all have creative and natural gifts and talents that God has placed inside of us. These gifts sometimes lay dormant for a long time in our lives before we tap into them or even recognize them. You may be holding back out of fear or you may not have identified the beautiful talent that rests inside of you. If you aren’t given the opportunity to express yourself using your personal creative ability, how will your light ever shine? Whatever you are naturally good at doing, whatever comes easily to you and you find enjoyment and fulfillment while doing, it is imperative to recognize.
What helped me to recognize my creative talent was writing a list of everything that I was good at, and narrowing it down to one thing that really brought me joy. I encourage you to make your personal list and take that first step in getting your creative juices flowing if you haven’t already.
Sometimes I reflect back and truly thank God I was able to have a childhood full of opportunities to engage in creative arts programs. Being cast in a middle school play is far from the Broadway stage, but my childhood experience gave me a great admiration for creative arts and theatrical plays.
The same exciting feeling that I had when I performed in middle school plays sprang inside of me as I sat with my friends and watched “Sister Act” on Broadway in Manhattan. For a friend’s birthday, we decided to take a trip to the city and enjoy the nightlife. “Sister Act” was a phenomenal, comical, witty play, and the actors and actresses were amazing. I have developed a great appreciation for actors in musicals because I can’t even imagine the amount of hard work, time and effort they need to put forth. To have the ability and physical strength to sing and perform to your greatest potential throughout an entire play is truly extraordinary (not to mention when you’re performing more than one play a day). How amazing.
If any of my readers have never watched the original movie, “Sister Act,” starring Whoopi Goldberg, I suggest you go rent it. Watching the story unfold as a Broadway play was spectacular. From the lighting to the beautiful sequined costumes and scenery, everything was remarkable. I couldn’t help but remember my middle school days when I had to memorize a couple of lines for a play. As I watched the actors’ performances gracefully flow throughout the play, I realized this is definitely an art. Being able to act and sing effectively and deliver a stellar performance takes ultimate practice and true dedication.
Watching the play made me ponder many questions in my mind (probably because us journalism majors are trained to observe everything). I started to wonder, who casted these particular actors/ actresses? How long did it take to write the play? How long were their rehearsals? All types of questions began to flood my mind, and immediately I chuckled to myself because I realized that this “journalist” mentality goes with me everywhere.
Nonetheless, I would highly recommend everyone go and see a Broadway play at some point in his or her life. If you have never been to one, venture out and try something new. Hop on the Metro-North to Grand Central and walk the beautiful streets of Manhattan. It is good to get away sometimes and have some fun. You can’t be all work and no play. Have some balance in your life and learn to enjoy the simple things. Grab a friend, and enjoy the night air! Oh yeah, and remember to get your list flowing

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