SIMONE VIRZI – Copy Editor
I recently found myself in an argument in which this guy suggested I’m a miserable person because I am single. He then proceeded to refer to me as a “clone” and insisted the majority of girls share the same brain.
Long story short, it didn’t end well and I was significantly offended. Then I found myself wondering if he was right.
At 21 years old, I’m not a stranger to the dating world. At the same time, I’m only 21; I’m still young and have a few more years to find Mr. Right. But in the meantime, I’m focusing on school. I’m hoping to graduate in May. Ultimately, a good portion of my time this semester has been spent writing articles, working on projects and scrambling to get assignments done on time.
Don’t get me wrong, I have my share of fun, but I can’t say I’ve come across a day in which I’m not doing anything academic-related. I’m dedicated to school, and I’m praying to God I will get a job. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with making school a priority, nor did I think I was miserable.
Do I get overwhelmed once in a while? Absolutely, but that doesn’t make me a miserable human being.
First and foremost, I haven’t been looking for a guy. Secondly, I would have to actually be into the guy and I can’t say I’ve been interested in anyone for a while. Then I started to think about what it would be like to have a boyfriend right now.
If I met a guy I really liked, I would do my best to juggle my relationship and school, although I wouldn’t start sacrificing my grades because he wants to go see an overpriced movie. But again, that’s assuming I really like the guy.
Do I really need a boyfriend to be happy, because according to one guy, I’m miserable? I initially disregarded the comment, but then I found myself debating whether this could potentially be true.
I came to the conclusion he could not be more wrong. I was disappointed I let myself think for a minute this guy (practically a stranger) knows me better than I know myself. I don’t need to be in a relationship to be happy. Do I need a man to cook, clean or do my homework for me? No. I don’t need a guy to survive as he had implied.
Quite frankly, some males give me a worse headache than a hangover. But would I like a guy to laugh at my corny jokes or make me laugh? Sometimes, but that’s why we have friends.
At the end of the day, I’d rather be single and focus on school (and my future) than be in a relationship with a narcissistic, cheating boyfriend or a boyfriend I semi-like but know I’ll be bored with after two months. Maybe I think this way because I’m stubborn, or maybe it’s because I was raised to be a strong, independent female.
In no way am I going to go into a feminist rant because I don’t agree with that crap, but I do think it’s better to say “I can stand on my own two feet” than to say “I have to lean on a guy for support.”
I’m not going to throw myself into a relationship with a random guy just so I can say I have a boyfriend; that’s absolutely ridiculous to me, but unfortunately I know girls (and guys) who have to be in a relationship. Call me heartless or call me a nerd, but I’d rather focus on my education. I have my friends and family to support me, and that’s enough for now. But if the right guy does come around, someone I actually find interesting, I’ll pencil him into my schedule.