Maybe it’s the winter. Maybe it’s just one of those times of year when things just start happening and begin to spiral out of control.
While some of the events may not be affecting me solely, they affect people close to me, and of course, me as well.
So I started thinking, which is pretty much the only thing to do when you have no power. The thought that came to my mind was: “If you could ask me one question, what would it be?” I feel like we always have questions that we want to ask people.
There are things that we always want to know but we never have the guts to ask, and then something happens and you realize you might never have the chance to ask the question. Then what do you do? It isn’t like you just forget about it.
In this day and age, it’s weird talking to people sometimes because most things aren’t personal, and the things that are come few and far between. Most people fear being pushy or annoying or fear even being themselves because people can be so closed-minded.
Groups have ways of having every person thinking in the same way and obviously that isn’t how people operate. So why don’t people understand that? If they did, would it be easier to just ask that question; that burning question in your mind?
It could be serious or it could be the stupidest thing, but people are afraid to ask questions and to bring themselves into the real picture. Even if they don’t care what people think and are outspoken, there are those people that completely make you stop in your tracks and go, hold on.
Especially people close to you, or people that are close to people close to you—even the people with whom your relationship is unclear.
About a month ago a friend of mine decided to make a huge move out of nowhere (and I realized around that time a lot of people I knew were making moves). But this one friend and I have an odd relationship. I realized during our last meeting before he moved that there was a lot I wanted to ask, and a lot I wanted to say. I just didn’t know how to do it.
The move ended up opening up our friendship more, and we talked a lot. It turns out we were both kind of in the dark and had a lot of questions for one another.
It really got me thinking: “How many other things are going left unsaid, and how much time will we have to say them? Why do we keep these things hidden? Why don’t people care to understand that personalities differ, and see people for who they are?”
Events are always going to happen. There is always going to be something affecting someone’s life, and there is always going to be the right and wrong time to ask a question.
Don’t be left in the dark. Find the nightlight, and things might work out in your favor if you do.