Today: Feb 10, 2025

The Scoop with SGA 11/9/11

Just past the midpoint in the semester, there are many things in the works. Here’s a brief overview of what’s new at SCSU:

Buley Library

According to Interim President Stanley Battle, bids are up for contractors now to pick up the construction project on Buley Library.  The money is there to complete this project, and by January the contract should be officially signed with a contracting company.  Battle has also said that by March or April of 2012 the company should begin “breaking ground,” in a sense.  The construction is projected to take approximately 18 months to complete.  This is great news for Battle’s administration; he has persistently worked during his time at Southern to get the funding necessary to complete this long-delayed construction.

Presidential Search

Southern’s Presidential Search Committee has narrowed the pool of candidates to three finalists.  This week, the candidates will be visiting Southern and attending various meetings and open forums with students, faculty and staff.

The schedule for these visits is as follows:

Tuesday, Nov. 8: Dr. Jim McCarthy, provost of Baruch College, City University of New York. View his resume at

Wednesday, Nov. 9: Dr. Stanley Battle, Interim President of Southern Connecticut State University. View his resume at

Thursday, Nov. 10: Dr. Mary Papazian, provost of Lehman College, City University of New York. View her resume at

Students should also be aware of several other opportunities to meet and talk with these candidates. There will be an open university forum each of the aforementioned days from 8:45-9:45 a.m. in the Adanti Student Center Theater.  Additionally, from 1:15-2:00 p.m. on each day, the candidates will address Southern students and answer any questions.

These two meetings are great opportunities for students to really participate in the presidential search. Students can communicate their opinions and concerns about the candidates with the Presidential Search Committee by visiting the following website: before 3 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 11.

Dunkin’ Donuts

The Board of Student Issues for Southern’s Student Government Association will be hosting an open forum on Wednesday, Nov. 9 in ASC Room 301 for members of the general student body to give feedback and ideas about the Dunkin’ Donuts situation.  The main purpose for this forum is to get more students to voice their opinions and discuss possible solutions. So if you’re free at 5 p.m., head to 301 and speak up!

Smoking on Campus

Fifty no-smoking signs are going to be posted in various areas on campus in the coming weeks.  This action is part of Southern’s efforts to enforce state laws about smoking near buildings.  The Student Government Association is very aware that this is a sensitive issue for many students and will be researching possibilities for designated smoking areas that are not completely inconvenient for members of the SCSU community who smoke.  However, students, faculty and staff alike should be aware that Southern will be enforcing the no smoking rules once these new signs are posted.

Desks in Morrill and Davis Halls

Several hundreds of desks have been ordered and in the next six to eight weeks; students should see new desks circulated into the classrooms in Morrill and Davis.  The older, less comfortable red and black desks should therefore be replaced entirely by the end of the semester.  Replacing these desks has been an initiative that the Student Government Association has actively supported for the past few semesters.


  1. I believe that current president is doing a great job. The grants that was received will improve our college experience. Hopefully, this will bring income our despite the drop in enrollment. Earning capital in this economy is a challenge and by earning those grant shows , even though economy is bad there is still place for growth.A little over 16 million dollars earn from the federal government it a huge deal. This is the most money earn vis grant by SCSU

  2. I want to express my support for Dr. Stanley Battle for SCSU President. I am a Southern alum, class of 1983, and a retired RN. I audit classes at SCSU as a senior citizen. I have attended events at which Dr. Battle was present. I believe he will be very good for the university. He has done a lot for the New Haven community in the short time he has been here, particularly with the Southern Academy. Margo Johnson-Taylor

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