Today: Jan 22, 2025

Annual Sinfest concert features diverse list of acts

Sean Meenaghan — Photo Editor
Mathew LaPerche, lead singer of the Casting Call performs during Sinfest.

SABINA WALTERS  — Staff Writer

If some Southern students say they like loud rock music, local bands and free food, then they would have loved the 9th annual Sinfest that rocked the walls of the Adanti Student Center Ballroom last week.

The performances included New Haven based pop-punk band Casting Call, New Haven native rapper OB, rock band Chalk Talk from Massachusetts, and New York pop artist Kelsey. Katie Roberge, general manager at the WSIN radio station, who organized the event, explained this selection.

“We tried to pick bands based on the students of Southern, their interests and the demographic we have here,” said Roberge. “We tried to pick different groups, different genres just so there’s a little something for everyone.”

According to Roberge, a senior communications major, WSIN members tried to promote Sinfest as much as they could by distributing fliers throughout campus, in the dorms and through word of mouth.

Roberge said she finds it difficult at times to motivate students at Southern to attend on-campus events, perhaps due to a high number of commuter students.

But it seemed like the radio station’s promotional techniques worked as Sinfest attracted around 80 people, the biggest turnout so far; students came to enjoy the show and munch on free popcorn and snow cones.

Among them, Shannon Barna, freshman undecided major, said she was a big fan of rock and metal music.

“I found a flier on the table; it said free fun, free music,” said Barna. “So far, so good. I couldn’t really understand what the lead singer was saying, but that’s how all rock concerts are, pretty much.”

Freshman Sociology major, Alli Lindlau said she also liked Sinfest and found it “pretty cool.”

“The guy that makes omelettes in the cafeteria said he was going to be singing, and he’s a really good singer, so I came to see him,” said Lindlau.

The crowd started clapping, cheering, moving to the beat as New Haven native rapper Only Biz, or OB, took the stage to perform his songs.

Sean Meenaghan — Photo Editor
OB, godson of LL Cool J, took part in the versatile show that featured many genres from rock to rap.

“It was fun. It was definitely a learning experience,” said OB, who is also a godson of the award-winning rapper LL Cool J. “I’m used to doing shows with few more people, but the crowd was definitely responsive.”

OB’s performance was followed by hipster rock band Chalk Talk hailing from Massachusetts.

Wearing mostly t-shirts and skinny black jeans, the band performed songs from their album “The Food Chain” to the accompaniment of ruthless bass guitarist and the ever-tireless drummer.

Nicholas Corsano, senior communications major, came to the event to show his support for the WSIN radio station.

He said he was especially impressed by the quality of the audio in the ballroom.

“They did a good job picking up bands,” said Corsano, who is also a general manager of college TV station. “I was surprised how great the band sounds. I think the whole event is awesome; I’m excited to see more.”

The night ended with the students and even some professors, dancing to the songs performed by a pop artist, Kelsey.

Danny Sheridan, a local rock musician from the band Manners came to support his friends from Casting Call and said he enjoyed the performance line up.

“It’s a good mix of music, especially for college. It works out well,” Sheridan said. “I wish we could play this show. It would’ve been sweet. Get us on the next Sinfest!”

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