Olivia Richman — General Assignment Reporter
When it comes to Program’s Council at Southern Connecticut State University, it is all about teamwork. ProCon members work together to create the events that students attend and enjoy here at SCSU.
And where would ProCon be without its leaders?
Enter: Nick Gleifert.
Gleifert, a junior at SCSU, has just become the entertainment committee’s senior programmer this semester.
“I’ve been in ProCon since freshmen year,” he said over the phone. “I made my way up.”
The responsibilities of a senior programmer, according to Gleifert, are to run their own committee.
“There are five committees,” he said. “Each senior programmer runs meetings.”
In addition to running meetings, senior programmers have to find events they want to start planning for the students of SCSU. Events range from concerts and dances to seminars and movie nights.
“There is one movie per month,” said Gleifert. “There is PB&J every Thursday (for commuters), Broadway trips to New York City for a minimum fee. We give out free novelties…”
Gleifert’s good friend, Mike Cipriano, met Cleisert while rushing for SCSU’s fraternity, Beta Mu Sigma, where Cleisert is treasurer.
“My first impression was that he was a nice guy,” said Cipriano, “but he looks like he just stepped out of a Holister catalog. Love the kid.”
A Hollister catalog?
“Yeah,” Ciprinano said with a laugh, “I tell him that all the time because that’s what he looks like!”
Gleifert, a junior, said that to get an idea for an event at the school, senior programmers attend conferences, where vendors give them ideas.
“If something seems good enough,” he said, “we’ll pursue it.”
Another way that Gleifert gets ideas for events is through students.
“All our meetings are on Monday,” he said. “They’re open to everybody. We take those ideas and use them for next semester.”
Gleifert said he can tell if an event is a success by two things: responses and number of attendees.
“When a lot of people give a positive response we know the event was a success,” he said. “If a lot of students attend, we’ve done our jobs.”
Cipriano, who said that Gleifert’s positive traits are that he’s a nice kid with a level head and always seems organized, said that he feels his friend is right for the position of senior programmer at ProCon.
“Nick holding such a high position in ProCon is great,” he said, “because of his great ability to get things done in a timely manner and he is a great leader.”
Gleifert said he picked SCSU because of the closeness and relationships of the people on campus.
“I really like the fact that no matter what event ProCon has,” he said, “it can potentially bring the student body together.”